
In Tokyo, can you choose the Tama area as your date location?

Everyone answered kindly in the question box.

You can't choose, right?

Well, it's possible if you just have a choice, but who would want to go on a date in the Tama area?
I feel like it's over at the stage I chose.

Do you want to go hiking with a packed lunch in the Tama area?
On a first date?
Men can be selfish to some extent, but unfortunately for women, 99% of the time the date ends up going where the man wants.

Then, if a man who happens to live in the Tama area wants to go on a date locally, it's possible, but I think it's almost impossible.

I'm not saying that the Tama area is bad.
If we get along well, we might end up going on a date like that.
I think the Tama area itself is a nice place.


But it is.

On the first date, I said I wanted to go to the Tama area.
I wish they would think a little more about what men think.

From a woman's perspective, why is it male-dominated?
you might think
There is a balance between women's attractiveness and attractiveness.

If a woman were one in a million beautiful women, every man would want to meet her.
If you are a woman who wants to meet even if you pay a setting fee of 100 million yen.
Even if the Tama area is located in the Tohoku region or further away from the city center, there is a possibility that it will be difficult for men to meet you.

However, when it comes to normal level beauty,
If the date is in the Tokyo area, the date will usually be within Tokyo's 23 wards.

If a man answers that it is difficult to live within the 23 wards, will he look for another woman?
This is more likely to happen.
(Depends on the attractiveness of the woman)

If you can think about what the other person will think
I think people in the Tama area also understand that choosing a place for a date is a high risk.

First of all, you should start thinking about how a man would feel rather than your own feelings.

I think over time you will understand your own attractiveness.
If you say you want to go on a date in the Tama area and a number of men respond with two answers, and it continues, then that doesn't mean it's a hindrance, and it means that you're attractive enough to want to meet.

I think it's not a good idea to only prioritize men because I think women get tired of it, but it's still important to have a balance where you think not only about yourself but also about the other man.

Please do your best.


Author of this article

When someone talks about love, they say, "Stop laughing! If someone like you talks about love or tears, love will become unclean." ), and so many times!" When asked if he was not afraid, he answered, "Huh, I'm afraid. That's ridiculous. Fear, suffering, pain, sadness, despair. Such weak emotions. I threw it away a long time ago.The only thing left for me is the heart of Asura, which fell into the hell of battle.Therefore, I will continue to fight.Until the moment my life runs out!"When I'm in a pinch, I say, "Not yet, it's not over yet." The man who said... 

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