
legs peeking through the slit

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This is Ren Kurosaki from Universe Club Osaka Branch.

in a previous article
About your chest
I was allowed to write

This time I will write about legs.
In particularslitI would like to focus on (the slit in the hem of the garment).

Legs that can be seen even when wearing a miniskirt or dress are good.
"Leg peeking through the slit"
chiralismThe sound is wonderful, and it is very attractive.
Beautiful legs peeking through the slit that flickers every time you walk, amazing!
Beautiful legs peeking through the slit when you sit on a chair and cross your legs, wonderful!

It is said that people get excited about parts that they usually cannot see.
That may be the biggest attraction of slits.
I like slits, so of course I love Chinese dresses too.
(The first costume I fell in love with was the Chinese dress.)

Skirts with slits are often tight skirts
In addition to the legs, the hip line is also emphasized.
It's an unbearable point for butt fetish!
I actually liked that one better.

In addition, it is often said that T-backs are worn so that the underwear line is not reflected.
...that's good.
Ah, since the gist has changed a little, I think I'll end it here.

trendy nowDating clubWhile discovering your latent hobby with
How about looking for a nice woman?
It was a short content, but thank you for reading to the end!

Universe Club Osaka Branch
Ren Kurosaki

Author of this article

My hobbies are muscle training and smartphone games.My strength training is mainly bench press. Max 155kg (Please call me Jonathan for my left breast and Davis for my right breast) I mainly play MMORPGs for smartphone games.Thank you ♪ talk to this staff

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