
Question box It is around 158 cm and 80 kg.Can someone with this body type join?

I'm Maezawa, a unit manager in the president's office.

I can't paste photos in the question box, so please do something about it.I told the programmer a year ago, but it's still not implemented.

It is around 158cm80kg.Can someone with this body type join?
I will paste the image necessary for the answer of the question here without permission. (smile)

The image is the maximum weight by bust cup.
For some reason, even if the bust is not large, it seems that people who are very heavy were registered, so as a rough guideline, it seems that there is a possibility that they will be registered as long as they do not reach triple digits.

Even so, is it a mistake to weigh 38 kg with an M cup?
If you are still registered, I would love to meet you.

Author of this article

When someone talks about love, they say, "Stop laughing! If someone like you talks about love or tears, love will become unclean." ), and so many times!" When asked if he was not afraid, he answered, "Huh, I'm afraid. That's ridiculous. Fear, suffering, pain, sadness, despair. Such weak emotions. I threw it away a long time ago.The only thing left for me is the heart of Asura, which fell into the hell of battle.Therefore, I will continue to fight.Until the moment my life runs out!"When I'm in a pinch, I say, "Not yet, it's not over yet." The man who said... 

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