
What do you do if you wear it?

I am always grateful for your help!


I came back to Hiroshima for the first time in months.
It feels like it's been five years.
This is Teratsuji, who is on a business trip to Hiroshima from Universe Nagoya today.


By the way, Teratsuji, who has a bad personality,
I came without contacting the two people in Hiroshima.
Asami appeared when I pressed it,
over the intercom


Eh, ah, eh, ah, eh?eh, ah, eh


It's hot, so open it early! !


Human beings are really speechless when they are surprised.
Great success.


How can I say why I came to Hiroshima?
Human beings are such a mess that at some point it will be like this...


I wanted to eat hassaku daifuku.
(I was told that production is closed from August to October)


it's a joke


The other day, Nishijima posted on his blogReform, thenI was screaming,
Nothing changed after seeing the movement. (privately)


The red in the office has decreased a little and the white has increased.
So come on!I'm waiting!please!please!Offer!


Even if you say
Specifically, how did it evolve and what happened?
I can't see what the reforms are.
What's going on!What are you doing by sending strange e-mails to members! !


So, I left my husband in Nagoya.


As soon as I arrived at the office,
Those two are Teratsuji-san~ I was surprised~ I'm sure they'll greet you,


(Shut up! The beginning is the key!)
I'm here ♪ Tehepero ♪


What the hell, I appeared with XNUMX dignity.


Come to think of it, I returned to Nagoya from Hiroshima in early May.
After that, I left it alone in Hiroshima,
Let's do our best together!well!And to me, who occasionally contacts me via Skype,
I hope you didn't get angry.


And then, seeing the two of you working for a long time,
I felt like a parent with a child, a little sad that he had grown up.
But still not at all!
I can do more!Think more and you can do more!You can send more proper Japanese!and,
I think, so this time my heart is a demon!It's a drink!Please be prepared.
(And since it's chicken, I'm writing it here without saying it directly)
And I immediately called a male member in Hiroshima.


"I'm Teratsuji~ (I haven't forgotten~)"


"Oh, are you going back to Hiroshima? 』


"No, only for a few days."


After talking about this, on the day I returned to Nagoya, I stopped by Okayama and had an interview with a man who introduced me to his friend!
I'm happy!
I want to buy millet dumplings on the way home.thank you.


Recently, in Nagoya, we were introduced by a male member.
More and more friends are joining us!


I love to go to interviews during introductions like that,
All of you are really wonderful people. (old)


Women are envious to be offered by such a wonderful man!


By the way,
What would you do if you wore the same female offer as your friend? ?I enjoy the question of


Of course, no, no, just tell me!
No!Most people say...


We have nothing to do with that so it's okay lol
Said the art.


On the contrary, this one, eh?OK?becomes,
It feels strange.


Please be careful not to get in trouble.


We are looking forward to your introduction!
By the way, there are of course introductory benefits, so please contact the staff for details.


Well, I'll drink again from tomorrow!So, I would like to make the hot office even hotter,
Thank you all for your support.


If you can see someone near Hiroshima who can greet you, please contact us!
Let's fly! !
Teratsuji Mayu


Author of this article

A concierge who can go to the meeting (let me go to the meeting) to deliver a real voice

2 Replies to “What would you do if you wore it?”

  1. Don't wear it!What do you do when you accidentally wear an offer from men like that?Is it okay to say that I wore it?It seems that some friends don't want to know who they're seeing.It doesn't seem to work even if you say "That child is no good! Shout!" with momentum.It's a tag, but if you can put it in, it's live.

  2. sat1 Thank you for your comment!Yes, at that time, there are times when I am asked to tell me honestly, Mr. ○○, that woman, there are circumstances that I would like you to avoid, etc. I'm here.Glad to see your tags!

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