Thank you for visiting my blog.
This is Ishii, also known as the closer (laughs) of the Universe Sapporo branch.
I am very sorry that the important baton I inherited from Mocchi (Mr. Mochizuki) in Sendai is a personal matter.
First of all, I would like to apologize for breaking the rule of 3 days or less because we had consecutive holidays.
*I have never called him face-to-face, such as Motchi.
I'm sorry aaaaaaaaaaaa! ! !
It seems that Teratsuji, who is also the person in charge, gave the OK, but quietly
I'm thinking of writing a baton blog.
I still feel angry
It's very elegant, like working at a high-end jewelry store in a department store.
She was a calm mature woman.
Among them, to Ishii, who is sending one-sided recommendation emails
Even if I do not receive an offer, I would like to send it again to the man who can reply every time.
Cleaning or making something.
Adding drawers to the new work desk in the office
I took out the plumbing pipe around the water and took out the dirt inside and filled it with putty.
Kurano asked me, "Ishii-san, are you making something again?"
The respected staff is Matsuzaka without exception at the Sapporo branch.
For Ishii and Kurano, he is like a parent and is still a source of inspiration.
Order a large amount of ramen at the ramen festival we went to and have a bite
"You can eat later."
I have a good memory of eating so many bowls of ramen that I almost threw up.
I would love to work with you again.
My favorite staff member is Sato from the Sendai branch.
Sato always looks up and worries.
How can we improve our service to our members?
How can we spread the word that is spreading in modern times called papa-katsu?
I am always thinking about how to make women feel safe and secure.
Rather than a stable trajectory, he is a seeker of the Universe Club who has broadened his horizons to the future.
The recommended staff is Nishijima from the Hiroshima branch.
I don't think there is such a handsome and refreshing concierge anywhere else.
that kind of cunning
I put it on the joint part of the body and forgot to take my smartphone after cleaning.
I closed the hatchback as hard as I could, and my smartphone snapped.
【Respect/favorite/recommended staff and reasonsIt was when I was watching
Ah, I thought it was everyone's name, but I found my name...
Only Ishii is called away...! ! ! !
Kurano is standing out in front, so I told him to step forward a little bit from now on.
I was strangely happy to interpret it as the hidden meaning of the representative.
I always consult and get on board, so this time
I'm going to try to throw the baton without consultation.
I recently learned that there were several concierges playing musical instruments at the Universe Club.
I noticed it, so first around you tube
[Universe Club played]
To sell more names of Papa Katsu and Universe Club by rising to the rapidly rising word.
Regarding the collection of titles after writing so far, to be honest, the baton was passed to the Sapporo branch so early.
I didn't think it would come around, but this is the end of the Sapporo branch baton.
There are still interesting staff and concierges with deviant ways of thinking, so
Please continue to enjoy the staff baton.
Maya Ishii