
[Yokohama] Son-Taku

Thank you very much for seeing the blog.
I'm Hiraki from Yokohama, and I've been wanting Hiyama to think about me a little more lately.

I need to write soon Teratsuji in Nagoya/HiroshimaBanchoTo
I'm not writing because I think I'll be strangled!
(color usageA little TeratsujiBanchoI'm guessing.Hiraki doesn't have any charm if it's just the color, but...)

Recently, thanks to you, the number of women registered in Yokohama has definitely increased compared to a year ago.
By all means, if you can narrow down to [Yokohama] in the area search,
It's a brazen and impudent request, but I would like to ask you to show respect for Yokohama!

but. . .I can't get an offer for that much,
Many women are leaving. . .

a few days agoKyoto BlogAlthough there is also
I know it's hard to find time in your busy schedule,
If there is a woman you are interested in, I don't mind if it's a little farther.
I would appreciate it if you could make an offer as soon as possible.

And last but not least...
TeratsujiBanchoI would like to conjecture and tighten.

Hiroshima branchThe open campaign has been extended!
Now is a great deal if you want to join with half the new admission fee as a point back!
Now you can meet the banchou of the Universe Club!

By the way, thank you for your support in Yokohama!



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