
You don't tell me to show you naked, do you?

Thank you for always watching.
This is Fukuda from Universe Omiya.

Ladies and gentlemen, are you using it right away?
That's it!that! !
that's right! !
Online datingis! !
(*Platinum class or higher for men)
You can have a date (video call) with a woman online for 30 minutes at half the setting fee!

It reminded me of an app called "Saito-san" that was popular when I was in junior high and high school.
By the way, have you ever used an app called Mr. Saito?
Quoting from the official

"Feel free, free, with anyone.
Saito-san is an entertainment-type talk app where you can enjoy phone calls, live broadcasts, and karaoke!

Going back to when I was a student, there were people who would say erotic things like "Show me your naked body~",
I miss playing with my friends like that
It seems that there were some dangerous people who suddenly took off their clothes.
Of course, members don't do that, right?



This online dating campaign is not a free talk app, but
For men, the setting fee is half and there are no other expenses (meals, etc.),
And get female contact information! (*May not be available)
Women can avoid body touches and forced invitations!
(* There may be forced words)

Of course there are pros and cons.
Please observe morals and manners and enjoy the conversation.

It's kind of a change of the times...
Fukuda, who has recently transitioned to cashless,
These changes are difficult, but I think they are epoch-making and interesting.

By the way, is it easier for you to have a conversation because you have a single wall called a phone?
Rather, is there anyone who hates not being able to grasp the atmosphere of the other party?

but the worldcorona corona corona corona! !
I'm tired of hearing about it, and events have been postponed or canceled due to government requests.
Even though I have hay fever, I don't have a mask.
False rumors are flying around, and paper products such as toilet paper are in short supply, and are resold at high prices on flea market apps.

What is Corona! !It looks like it's in sweets, go away! ! !
I spend every day with this spirit.

Such Fukuda does not wear a mask.
Because we don't sell it.
Well, I'm a person who doesn't usually wear a mask.
However, since I've been washing my hands and gargling, I believe it's a little preventive.
Because a medical worker friend said that if you wash your hands and gargle, you'll be fine! !

I digressed, but
Even though the world is telling you to refrain from going out as much as possible because of the coronavirus, you can still be a dad! !
Don't you think women can't get transportation expenses?
But isn't it true that the time we can't meet nurtures love?
Even if the feedback doesn't match in the exchange, think of it as saving the trouble of meeting.

Online dating is just getting started.
I think there are a lot of dissatisfaction and anxiety.
However, I can live as a dad in a short time.

If you are a member who has been online dating, please give your opinion to the branch.

Finally, why don't you find the best date through the screen?

Itsuki Fukuda

Author of this article

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