
What are the characteristics of a popular person? ?

We become indebted to.

Customer Success Group Tokyo UnitMy name is Yuki Sano.


I'm a little nervous because it's my first time writing a blog like this...lol
I would be happy if you could look at it with warm eyes ♪


It's been getting tougher and tougher lately...
I caught a cold, developed a fever, contracted viral gastroenteritis, collapsed due to dehydration, and was taken to an ambulance. .
To be honest, my body is in tatters lol
But you still haven't lost your mind?


Well, now that the preamble is over, let's get to the main topic.

In my previous job, I worked as a scout and was involved in the entertainment industry,
I have seen many people who are popular.
Anyway, they're handsome, beautiful, or rich.I think that
Of course it is certain that it is popular.But that alone doesn't make him attractive.
Mr. Gackt, who is handsome and has a huge amount of money, also said,Everything isinside.

“What you want in the end is not outstanding beauty or outstanding ability, but just being there makes you smile with peace of mind.”
A presence that relaxes the mind.Isn't it possible to be someone who will be remembered at random times?
No matter how handsome or rich you are, if you lack this, you will soon be spoiled.

People who have been in a long-term relationship, whether it's a dad activity or a mistress relationship, have been able to do this without knowing it.


So is SEX! !
A man gets excited before it starts and cools down after it's over.
It is the woman who is cold before it starts and gets excited after it is over.


Men and women have different values ​​and timing! !
So I think it's important to calmly look at the other person's feelings. ✨✨


universe club Yuki Sano

Author of this article

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