
Nov. 2023 Insights Report by Marketing Group

Thank you for all your continued patronage.
This is Nakashino from the Marketing Unit.

We will deliver the latest information of Universe Club.


【twentyNumber of members per month]*Including re-enrollment

〇 Number of male admissions


〇Number of female members

全国で575名の素敵な女性にご入会いただいております。(東京191名、大阪69名、横浜61名、名古屋63名、大宮49名、千葉38名、神戸17名、札幌16名、京都24名、広島7名、仙台21名、福岡19名)全国の女性会員数は合計 7,195名(有効会員数)です。


[Number of registrants by class]

〇Male member

10 Black members, 34 Platinum members, 14 Gold members, and 2 Standard member have joined.

〇 Female member

10 Black members, 62 Platinum members, 273 Gold members, and 230 Standard member have joined.


[Number of dates nationwide]

In March, we set 11 dates for Black, 231 for Platinum, 769 for Gold, and 910 for Standard. (* Aggregated by class of female members)

[PICK UP] Significant decrease in the number of men joining

How are you all spending your time during this pleasant winter weather?

[Registered women in October] (compared to last month)
Number of applications…stable
Interview rate…stable
Membership rate…4% decrease
Number of members…Reduced by approximately 100 people

The number of female members decreased in November compared to October.
While official memberships are decreasing, applications and memberships from SNS are gradually increasing, and this suggests that the path for women to join is changing.
Up until now, the main way to gather information about social clubs was to browse the official website, but as awareness has spread and more information is now posted on SNS, the process of gathering information and applying has become more popular. We believe that more and more women are using SNS to do this.
However, many people apply through SNS for reasons such as ``because it's popular'' or ``because an influencer introduced it.''
Therefore, we are currently sending out an e-mail newsletter to promote membership in order to encourage as many women who have applied through SNS to join as possible.
Also, starting this month, those who applied for the Sendai/Hiroshima branch will be eligible for theFree transportation campaignWe are carrying out.
This is a campaign where you can easily register even if you live far away, so please take advantage of it.

[Registered men in October] (compared to last month)
Number of applications…approximately 10 more people
Interview rate…13% decrease
Membership rate…7% decrease
Number of members…stable

For men, the interview rate has decreased compared to October.
On the other hand, we are seeing an increase in the number of people joining through referrals from members, and we have received many comments from those who have joined that their concerns were alleviated by the staff's detailed explanations.
For this reason, we believe that there are many men who resolve their doubts and concerns that cannot be resolved with the information on the official website alone by meeting with our staff before joining.
At Universe Club, we have created an environment where you can consult with our staff to resolve your concerns.
Before joining, you can communicate with our staff by phone or email, and we also offer face-to-face interviews, so if you have any questions or concerns about the club, please feel free to contact us.

The cold days continue, but please take care of your body.
I hope that you will have a heartwarming encounter.