
What is the best sex?

Hello there, this is Mia Stone from advertising management division.
It is Tuesday, so it is my time to write the blog. I was no idea what I want to write, but I found the very interesting article from the Japan side, so I decided to rewrite the blog! not copy that all!) In this blog, I am going to write what is the best sex.


According to the article, there are five characteristics to have good chemistry.



At first, the gentlemen like sugar babies' smell and sugar babies like sugar daddies' smell.
You may have experience that you do not like his or her smell. Well, I have experience that I do not like my friend's smell on the biological level. there is no specific reason, but if people do not like someone's smell, you cannot stand .



Second, your skin and her or his skin fit well.


I totally agree with this statement!
For example, if my boyfriend skin fits my skin, I feel more comfortable.


Next, your desire of sexuality should be the same with sugar babies or sugar daddies.

I think that this is the important thing as well. For instance, if your partner does not want to have sex, you feel very difficult and uncomfortable about having sex.



Furthermore, you and your partner should enjoy sexual relationships in the same direction.

I mean that their intimate relationship should be what they want to do.



Finally, you should love your partners. It is very different that having sex with love or without love. If you and your partner love each other, your sexual relationship is going to be much more fun.


So what I wanted to say is that I want you to have very romantic sex with your partner.


Thank you for reading!

Author of this article

This is Universe Production Department.

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