
man who returned

Thank you for all your continued patronage.
I'm Universe Nishino.

This is Nishino, who recently revived after taking a break for about two months.

I thought that there is nothing in life that I can get, such as a two-month holiday,
On the first day of the holiday, I was enthusiastic about sending a fulfilling self-restraint life from now on,
Do programming study, do English study (I heard from a male member that people who can do programming and English can earn money in the future...)
Also, I was planning to do muscle training and reading every day, and I wanted to show the reborn Nishino to the staff and members of Universe.

However, as expected, I failed to study programming in 3 days, and recently I lost my habit of studying English, and I ended up doing muscle training and reading only occasionally.

During these two months, I couldn't help but feel that I wanted to develop the ability to form habits. . .

Also, although it is a personal matter, I have transferred to the Oshiro yellow team.
We will do our best to provide better settings than ever before.
Thank you for your continued support.

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