
The Diary of Riene – 1/5/2021

Happy Labor Day!

Just like that, another month is upon us. I hope everyone is having a restful weekend, and will enjoy their day off in lieu on Monday~

It's been quite a busy day for me, though I'm working entirely from home~ There was quite a lot to do, and I realized I had some paperwork and the like to clean up and organize! Quite a bummer, since that's my least favorite part lol

Besides that all however, I was really happy when my sister came home from running errands and surprised me with my favorite bubble tea! I was so busy this afternoon that I barely noticed her, till she suddenly popped into my room and gave me my bubble tea~

I'm definitely a sucker for sweet things, and it was a nice surprise to have that when I suddenly had a bunch of things to be done~ Sometimes the best surprises don't cost all that much, don't you think?

Of course, that's for me. For our members, bigger surprises are certainly more than welcome! Gentlemen, don't forget to show your love and concern for your sugar baby! And ladies, don't forget to show your appreciation! 

Author of this article

This is Universe Production Department.