
The Diary of Riene – 29/9/2021

Good afternoon everybody! I hope you've all been staying safe and doing well.

It's a bit frustrating that we're back down to a 2 pax maximum for dining, isn't it? I've scrambled to change plans with friends and family, squeezing in whatever I could over the weekend! the tide of cases, and don't have to go back to the dreaded circuit breaker period again… That would be the most worrisome of all without a doubt!

While to be honest, it's not a massive change for me as I don't really have large friend groups, I can't help but be worried as well. Still, with the precautions in place, hopefully we can continue dating safely at the very least~ I've heard from many members and potentially interested pre-members that they're highly concerned with the rising cases, and are postponing dates, interviews etc.

Still, I hope that we will be able to help you with your sugar dating needs and desires throughout this tough time! We're working on campaigns and new services that will hopefully help out every member, so please look forward to them over the next few months!

Author of this article

This is Universe Production Department.