
The Diary of Riene – 1/8/2021

Wishing everyone a happy Sunday, and happy August!

Wow, time really flies, doesn't it? Honestly, the past year still feels a bit like a fever dream – not totally real and not really the most pleasant 🤣 The pandemic has taken a huge toll on everyone after all, and it has not been easy in the least. Still, for those of us who are still here, I'm really grateful and relieved, and hope that eventually there's an end to these troubling times!

Perhaps we can even start looking forward to traveling overseas before long? I'd really love to do so soon – visiting my partner, visiting Japan, and many other countries…

When travel restrictions finally open, I really want to fulfill a long-held promise I've had with my best friend – to travel to Hong Kong and Vietnam together! She's stayed in both countries for some time before, so she really knows all the best places to eat and go to. It's just that, unfortunately, we haven't really had the chance to go together yet.

Another place I really hope to go to is New Zealand! I'm actually a big fan of the LOTR books and movies, and it's always been a dream of mine to tour the very country where it was filmed, and also explore its history and culture. My partner and I have even discussed settling down in New Zealand in the future if there's any chance of doing so – a rural countryside life is perfect for the two of us homebodies 🤣

I haven't really been able to stop talking about travel these days lol~ Well, the pictures my colleagues have sent me from Hawaii have really made me want to travel after all. And who knows, there might even be more plans for other venues in the future!

What's your dream destination for a holiday, be it for a date or otherwise?

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This is Universe Production Department.