
Happy new year, training has ended.

Nice to meet you, this is Teramoto from Universe Tokyo branch.

From October 10st, I will join the company as a second new graduate.I will finally finish my training from this month as a single serving (provisional)

I was able to get to work.

This is Teramoto,

Actually, there was a time when I used to work as a full-time employee at a pachinko parlor.

I would like to tell you about Teramoto's experience working at a pachinko parlor and how grateful I am to all of you.

A pachinko parlor is a battlefield.Everyone is here to fight.

Under such circumstances, inevitably...

"Don't open this pachinko parlor!"

"Rip shop! Don't be silly! Give me back my money!"

"You know your face. I won't forgive you (crying)."

I have received countless words of gratitude like this.

Above all, when I was surrounded by 190 foreigners (with tattoos) taller than 4cm and shouted at in a foreign language,

(Ah... I think I'm going to be taken somewhere like this... Ufufu...)

I was so disappointed.

Teramoto is basicallyCowardTherefore, if the customerangerMy legs were shaking so hard that I could barely stand.

Somehow, I apologized, apologized & apologized, and I suddenly thought.

"This workplace...is not suitable for me...!!"

Something that had been stored up until now had exploded.I was unemployed the next month.

However, it was only natural that Teramoto received many complaints.

After all, before I knew it, I was in the "complaint handling team", and before I knew it...Without his consent...Tohoho….

Maybe it's the influence of working in such an environment, but I'm really enjoying my work now.

Universe members are really gentlemen,

Even if I made a mistake (I am fully aware that the best thing is not to make a mistake), he would laugh and forgive me.

Because there are many such members,

I feel that Teramoto's motivation for his current work has increased greatly.

Thank you so much for everything.someday from you

“Please call Teramoto!”

I want to be a staff member who can be relied on, and I'm sure I won't be able to do it.

It's been a long time, but thank you for your continued support of Universe Club.

Author of this article

This is Shun Teramoto.We are working hard every day to provide a setting that will satisfy everyone.Thank you. talk to this staff