

I'm going to write where we left off on the last blog. 

② Communication skills

Communication skills naturally develop by talking with various people, so if you are not a good talker or don't have things to talk about, you may want to practice at a social gathering such as Tinder or Meetup before you find a sugar daddy.


After all, most of Sugar Daddies are businessmen flying around the world and have a lot of experience in life, so even if you are a good listener, you may not be able to keep up with him and the conversation. super pretty to make them want you lol

Or, it is a good idea that you imitate the way of speaking and interacting with other people through your friends who have high communication skills ^^


If you are a female member of our club, you can upload your photos, put your available dates for a date on a calendar and write self-introduction on your profile, so if you want to receive date offers, you should try at least one of these tools.

* Excessive photoshop and selfies would turn men off.

Please post photos that are generally likable.







You can also come to our office to retake your profile photos, so don't hesitate to contact the staff if you wish!

* When having a re-take, please make sure to come in with clothes that make yourself look attractive!


Anyway, I'm going on vacation this weekend, so check it out on my Instagram if you are interested!

Instagram: @uc_dating

If you have any questions, please leave a comment anytime!




Become a Sugar Daddy at Universe Club and meet your perfect Sugar Baby in anywhere Japan.

How to be a Sugar Daddy in Universe Club

Explore your possibilities and take the next step to become the Sugar Baby in Japan at Universe Club

How to be a Sugar Baby in Universe Club

Contact us in LINE for an instant reply from our English speaking coordinator staff.

Author of this article

This is Universe Production Department.

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