
I thought I was getting an offer

Thank you for visiting the Universe Club blog.
This is Yu Takei from the Yokohama branch.

The number of women registered in Yokohama is about to reach 500.
I have to reduce it (゚ω゚;) ← (why?)

Of course, keep checking.

At one time there were about 800 people enrolled,
"If you can't contact me, there's no point! 』
"I'm sorry that I took the trouble to get the offer! 』
"If you don't want to do it, there's no point! 』

For various reasons, we have started to investigate.

With the spirit of eliminating unnecessary things as much as possible, we are repeating elimination.

"While the creature is fresh"

There is a word
I think the same goes for dating clubs.

Even women who were full of motivation when they first registered
It's been a long time since I registered, and my environment and feelings have changed, so I withdrew.
Thankfully, I received many offers.
I've been enrolled for a long time, and I'm going through it, and the offers are decreasing, and I'm withdrawing,

That's why it's best to eat it while it's fresh ♪ like fish ♪

I often get inquiries,

'Did that 23-year-old nurse go missing? 』

We sometimes get messages like this!

“Yes, I was withdrawn due to various circumstances.”

"Well, when I was thinking of making an offer, suddenly from the page
Because he's gone. .Do you have any plans to reopen? 』

"I'm sorry.There is no prospect of reopening. 』

Too late! ! !

Have you ever experienced that?

It is also my daily life. .

A registered woman who said, "It looks like an offer is coming!" to the woman who thought
You may not get an offer unexpectedly...
The number of favorites is quite large, but m(_ _)m

So let me take this opportunity to introduce you to such a woman m(_ _)m

A small face and a well-organized face that seems to be popular.
Her tan skin looks like that announcer♪
0 offers

This is also a healthy person with wheat-colored skin.
Even though she is a college student, she is a sexy woman.
0 offers

Active in dating.
She is a fair-skinned woman with a soft expression.
0 offers

Well, we will carry out the scrutiny again! !
If anyone is interested, please let us know.
(Before leaving...)

Universe Club Yokohama Branch
Yu Takei

Author of this article

This is Takei from the Ginza branch. I am also an adventurer who is full of curiosity and tries out various things just to try it out. I like caves and secret bases. She has the heart of a boy, not a girl. Thank you very much. talk to this staff

2 Replies to “I thought I was getting an offer”

  1. Mr. Takei
    We got an introduction. The 1st and 3rd ones are very interesting.
    I would appreciate it if you could let me know as much as you can.Nakamura

    1. Takashi Nakamura
      Thank you for your comment.
      Also, I am glad that you are interested in the 1st and 3rd women.
      For details, we will contact you by e-mail separately.
      We continue to thank you.

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