
I dream a lot these days.

Thank you for always reading.
GW had a long-awaited holiday, but I caught a cold.This is Kurano who spent half of his vacation in bed.

I don't know if it's because I've been in bed so long, but I've had a lot of dreams.I had many dreams that made me angry.

Ishii, who is usually quiet, became a super sadistic person, and was yelled at in his heavy Kansai dialect, saying, "Why are you going to work? I'm going home right now! Shit! What an idiot!" ,,

My mother warned me, "So don't leave empty cans and candy trash in your room! Don't worry about it!"

Even my ex-girlfriend came out and said, "I hate how you're so stubborn that once you decide, you can't give up."

Rather than being physically unwell, I was mentally ill.
It was painful.

I researched the characteristics of dreamers.

If you look at it in various ways, it applies, applies.It's a little scary.
I feel like I want to reset myself once.
Once in a while, make a new encounter with the relationship that is going on, such as the occasional angry offer of male members!
I felt that it was the feeling.

Seiya Kurano

Author of this article

I gained 5 kilos.won't fall

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