
The charm of comments that you can understand somehow

Thank you for all your continued patronage.
This is Kirishima from Universe Osaka Branch.

As a result of a study at the University of Cambridge
If humans can recognize the "first and last" of characters, they can read the characters in between even if they are random.
I just recently learned that even unexpectedly random sentences are in the human brain
It's amazing that you can understand with your experience so far!
*Some say this is not actually the result of a study at Cambridge University.


Thank you very much.In the country where the Kogonoro sahiim continued to visit Koto, I was worried about the morning.
How is Minamasa doing?
If there is a kinyuni nonniki and a hyunniki dorachi, I suddenly thought about it now.
Which one should I choose?

Hi, I'm Kirishima.
These days, the cold days continue, and I can't decide whether to wear a coat or not in the morning.
I'm very worried, but how are you all doing?
I wonder which is more popular with big breasts or with small breasts
I just happened to be thinking while writing this, but which one is it?

It's like this!
Did you read it? (^^)

At Universe Club, I write staff comments on the women's page.
There is more than just what I heard from women
What the staff realized by actually talking to women,
What is not listed in the hearing items.
In addition, there are various things such as what you have at the time of the interview, your sense of money, and the conditions of your relationship.

Sometimes it is difficult to express directly,
Sometimes we express them in a common language between our members and us.

It was a shock when I joined the company and was told that it was called “adult dating”.smile

In fact, in terms of commenting
Depending on the woman, the amount of characters and the content of the description vary.
From there, I wondered what the person in charge thought of the woman.
Sometimes you can see it.

When you are wondering which one to offer to multiple women
I would appreciate it if you could refer to it.

Universe Club
Osaka Branch
Minoru Kirishima

Author of this article

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