
Why I Joined the Dating Club and About the Jobs at the Universe Club

Thank you for all your continued patronage.
I'm Fukunaga from the Universe Club Osaka branch, and it's been just one year since I joined the company.

I usually write articles for male and female members, but this time I will write a blog for those who are unsure about finding a job or changing jobs.
*This is written on the company's blog, but it is not written on behalf of the company, it is just one individual's opinion.

Why I Joined the Dating Club

When you meet a male member"Why did you join the company here?"I often ask questions.
of course"Dating Club Recruitment"I didn't search for it, and I didn't know the dating club itself at that time.

When I got married, I started to think that it was not enough to just work every day."People to People","People and Companies"I wanted to work as a coordinator that could connect people, so I vaguely started looking for a job mainly as a career consultant or a coordinator at a temporary staffing agency.

At that time, it was the same seller's market as it is now, and if it wasn't for a major company, it was relatively easy to change jobs even in my late twenties.
If you have ever changed jobs, I think you can sympathize,"Is what you wrote true?" "Isn't your relationship bad?"Even if you search the net, there is not much information, and you won't know until you enter, so I wonder if there are some good conditions.I doubted that, and I didn't want to go to a place with bad conditions in the first place.

Meanwhile, at Universe Club, there was an interview with Oda, the current manager of the Osaka branch."Do you have any final questions?"At the timing of being asked, about human relations and treatment, etc.What's really going on?I asked him persistently.
And I can't say it's intuition, but I can't express it well"This person doesn't lie" "I want to work here" "Looks like fun"With that in mind, I decided to join the company.

And now, a year later, I still think I made the right decision.

The neck of working in a dating club

The neck of working in a dating club"I can't tell people" "I feel like I'm doing something wrong"I think there are things like this.
"I can't tell anyone"As far as the universe club is concerned, there are people who say it completely to those around them, people who say it only vaguely, and people who don't say it at all.
However,"doing bad things"As for the law, we are open and there is nothing wrong with it.

Rewarding of dating club staff

from male members"It was a really fun date, thank you."Or from a female member"I was able to meet a very nice person, thank you very much."There are many things you can say.
Of course, the opposite is also true,
“If this man and this woman go on a date, they will definitely get along!”It's really rewarding when I'm scared and have a date and say thank you from both sides.

Recruiting Universe Club employees! !

It's been a long time since I wrote this, but it's time to get to the point.
Thankfully, the number of male and female members of the Universe Club has increased, and as the amount of work has increased,Recruiting employees nationwide.
In particular"Nagoya" "Kobe" "Fukuoka"We are looking for a lot of per! !
*Please note that the situation is always changing.
Details are here!

In addition, in the back office departmentThose who are strong in excellent webWe are also looking for.This is a flex system, and the working hours are different from the coordinator (concierge).

What I think is good, bad, good people, bad people

■ good side
A rare job anyway!
Good people! (*subjective)
You can talk to successful people at a level you can't usually meet!

■ bad side
I can't tell people (*Depends on the person)
Sometimes people don't understand me

■ Suitable people
someone who likes to talk to people
People who find it rewarding to connect
A person who has even one thing that shines
(I like to talk, I'm good at writing e-mails, I'm good at photography, I'm good at writing blogs, I'm liked by older men, etc.)

■ People who are not suitable
sales supremacist
someone who lies and tries to cover up
People who want to reach out to female members

*Gender-free, age-free, and personality-oriented.

at the end

It would be a lie to say that I had no hesitation when I first joined the company, but when I joined the company, I was told that in the future I might enter a business other than a dating club. I was thinking of moving there when I could.
At that time, I thought that Yahoo, famous for its search engine, was also a dating company (Yahoo! Partner), and that it had a different start, but also a dating club.
However, when I actually joined the company, it was a deep and rewarding job, so I gradually lost my resistance.

Deciding on a job is a big decision, but if you're even a little bit interested, why don't you make a decision after listening to the story?
We welcome inquiries by email and by phone!
We look forward to hearing from you!

This time, in a different form than usual, I wrote about the reasons why I joined the company and the recruitment of Universe Club.

Thank you for reading to the end.
Thank you for your continued support of Universe Club.

Universe Club Osaka Branch
Ryota Fukunaga

Author of this article

I love eating while walking!With honesty as my motto, I will send out what I thought in my daily work!

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