

I'm Matsubara from Universe Club CS4.
We are in charge of setting up dates for our members in Kyoto, Fukuoka, Hiroshima and Okinawa.

I had a health check-up the other day, and my weight has increased by 9 kg since last year. .

I'm currently refraining from going out, so I started muscle training.
I'm very hungry.All the pants I bought in the past are gone.

I tried apps for muscle training,
I also bought a pull-up machine, but I haven't used it at all recently because it was washed and dried.

After much trial and error, I now only do planks and burpees.
Plank is very good.Stiff shoulders are cured for some reason, so if you are worried about it, please come!

NowPapa Katsusenryu Contestis being held,
There are so many posts that I think are good, and I enjoy reading them.

Anyone can post, so please come by!
You can like and comment on good senryu ☺


It's short, but that's all for this blog!

Thank you for watching ☺


Universe Club Customer Success Division CS4 Yu Matsubara

Author of this article

This is Matsubara from the Kyoto branch!Thank you for your kind support! ! talk to this staff