
Question Box Digest 12 -What is the average annual number of offers for male members? -

In the official anonymous question box of the universe

"What is the average annual number of offers for male members?"

The question was coming.

Since the in-house system was renewed, various employees have written SQL documents.
Since the data is out, I thought that it was probably out, so I looked for it
there was. (smile)

Data extracted by others will remain until deleted.
No one bothers to delete
The advantage of the new system is that you can immediately see the data that someone has put out.
It's convenient to be able to see the data without doing anything...

Now, not the average annual number of offers
It will be the average number of dates per year
Even if you don't have an offer that was canceled because the schedule didn't match
I wonder if it's probably the purpose.


average number of dates per year

XNUMX cases

English learning is necessary to prepare for life, learning and interaction with the global environment. <br> IT Skills (programming logic) is necessary to prepare for the needs of the future.<br> Financial literacy is necessary to prepare for creating, managing and being smart with time and wealth.<br>
On average, it's like one per person per month.

If you think it's surprisingly low, you're being fooled by average magic.
If you write the number of dates in a year from the most

258st place: XNUMX cases
250nd place: XNUMX cases
230rd place: XNUMX cases
197th place: XNUMX cases
192th place: XNUMX cases

Has become.
By the way, both of them are male black members.

So maybe the average number of dates for each class is different?
I thought and looked it up
the average is

Black: 19.02 cases
Platinum: 11.36 cases
Gold: 9.10 cases
Standard: 6.88 cases

It became

They are neatly arranged in class order.




Author of this article

When someone talks about love, they say, "Stop laughing! If someone like you talks about love or tears, love will become unclean." ), and so many times!" When asked if he was not afraid, he answered, "Huh, I'm afraid. That's ridiculous. Fear, suffering, pain, sadness, despair. Such weak emotions. I threw it away a long time ago.The only thing left for me is the heart of Asura, which fell into the hell of battle.Therefore, I will continue to fight.Until the moment my life runs out!"When I'm in a pinch, I say, "Not yet, it's not over yet." The man who said... 

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