
Chiralism at sea = beauty rhythm

Thank you for all your continued patronage.
Kii Kamiya, Universe Club Okinawa Branch.


The other day, I went to the sea to shoot for an employee shoot.

picture?Do employees also take photos at sea? ?

that's right.Employees will also shoot at the sea!
We will do whatever we can to appeal to the tropical land!smile

By the way, readers of this blog
Some of you may not know that there is an employee photo of Universe Club.

Our Team

You can see it here.

I walked on the sandy beach with pumps for shooting,
I can't walk at all because my heels are crunchy.
He is a local who gets help from his boss, Matsuzaka, when he seems to fall down several times.

My photo was taken by a friend.
When I realized that I was wearing a suit, I took a picture while kneeling on the sandy beach!
Even though I put a lot of sand on my knees, I smiled.
I felt the guts of fellow photographers. . .

and more than anything,
I usually take pictures, but when I'm on the side of being taken,

Hmm? ?
I don't know how to stand! !Sweat

and frantically.

Take a break after receiving instructions from your companions on how to stand.

I understand a little bit of the feelings of women who are photographed,
To the female members who always take pictures
Thank you for responding to my various requests.Reliably.

I need to improve my skills as a photographer!

Found another issue!

For male members, please see "Photos of Women" for offers.
The photo is the tool to get the offer.

Our staff should consider
"Eliminate mismatching and have the best encounters with each other".

Matching must show the essence of a woman.
I am studying every day so that I can take pictures to show the essence.

Universe Club wants to be as competitive as other clubs when it comes to their "obsession with photography."

So all the women who come to the interview!
Believe in Kamiya and his friends!

And here's an off-shot. . .

Title: Matsuzaka finds a stick and starts pull-ups

Title: A friend who tried to imitate Matsuzaka, but it was all he could do because he was hanging.

The struggle of the Okinawa branch continues. . .
I would be honored if you could care even in the corner of your heart.

Universe Club Okinawa Branch
Kii Kamiya

Author of this article

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