
reform! partXNUMX

Thank you all for everything.


The other day, the Venerable Amone (TERATSUJI) came to Hiroshima.
Surprised over the intercom.
Teratsuji with a "doing it" face over the intercom.


I thought that if people were surprised, they wouldn't be able to speak.

But at the speed of sound, I, Hachiko's tail, was shaking.

Asa: "How many months will you stay in Hiroshima?"
temple"A few days.'
ShallowThat's right ...'

And they are shaken by the bus and go shopping for the office by two people.


I had a very relaxing time like this, but I had a lot of luggage on the way home.smile
I went with two girls, but at that time I thought.

Why isn't Nishijima here?

I'm sure Nishijima is treated like a girl on a daily basis, but only at times like this that she's the worst kind of guy who pretends to be a girl.Probably around this time.

That's how the Hiroshima branch office changed!
Collezo!reform! !…Is it?smile





I had a lot of fun creating this office.smile
Where do you put this, like this? .And

Wall stickers(?)When pasting, I would say things like, "Mr. Teratsuji, you're better than me!"
I thought that manufacturing was such a fun thing.
On a personal note, I recently started living alone.
It was a different kind of fun than building my own house from scratch.

It seems easy to make new things while making use of existing things, but it is difficult.
Rather than painting an apple on a blank canvas
How to make use of the apples already drawn on the canvas.I wonder if it feels like...(I'm not sure)

The color of change in the Hiroshima branch office...! ! !

I will go as long as I can on the day of the interview!
LINE @ of Hiroshima Branch

Please register m(__)m

HEY! Siri!It's OK to say "HEY! Interview!" or "HEY! Interview!"smile

However, when it comes to English, the Hiroshima staff only has language skills equivalent to level 3 of the Eiken,
I will talk to everyone on the Internet soon, so please take care of me.smile

August is almost over!
It's still hot, so please take care of yourself so that you don't lose your physical condition (*^^*)

Momone Asami

Author of this article

I'm Amone, and I want to deliver Amore to everyone. talk to this staff

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