
not handsome



Thank you all for everything.
I wanted to use "Janaiho" after the Nagoya branch
Amone, also known as Momone Asami, is the less handsome guy from Hiroshima.

(It is no longer a common name)

I'm sorry if the continuation is annoying.smile



Hiroshima branch is getting excited recently!
It's as exciting as the carp!
By the way, Hiroshima residents do not "go to baseball" but "carp go(`・ω・´)ゞ


“Papa-katsu” has become popular in the media,
Namja sorya!For those who say, I would be happy if you could just listen to the story ♪


Wouldn't you like to experience the thrill and excitement of the Universe Club?
The women at the Hiroshima branch are all wonderful women!
Currently, there is no woman who has been canceled on the day!
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you m(__)m


I would appreciate it if men from other branches could also talk to Hiroshima women ♪
The hot days continue, but please take care of yourself so that your physical condition will not be damaged.


Momone Asami

Author of this article

I'm Amone, and I want to deliver Amore to everyone. talk to this staff

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