
It's a call center!It's summer!

Thank you for always reading the Universe Club blog(‾◡◝ )♡
Call center rookie Tamura ٩( 'ω' )و

Some of you may be wondering who I am,Call center Of Tamura !See you later…!!!!

Here recently, the schedule for holidays has been fulfilling!
Summer is in full swing!I would like to be careful of sunburn! !

■Name…Yui Tamura
■Branch name: Ebisu Call Center
■ How long has it been since you joined the company? Less than 3 months

QXNUMX. What kind of woman was the woman you interviewed most recently?

I don't have an interview because it's a call center, but women who contact me
Tamura is very happy to see so many kind people╭(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و

QXNUMX. Who is your favorite male member?

Also, I don't have any particular interaction with men here,
I hope someday Tamura will have a chance to meet the male members! (*^^*)

QXNUMX. What is your favorite job such as interviewing men, interviewing women, setting adjustment emails, handling complaints, etc.?

Tamura likes answering the phone the most (`・ω・´)❢
I answer questions, but "I was worried because it was my first time, but I was relieved when I called."
I'm really happy to hear that (*´・ω・)(・ω・`*)

QXNUMX. Respect/favorite/recommended staff and reasons

Kida, who has been taking care of everything from the job interview to everything.
Yuba that takes requests from the call center and gives shape to them

Thank you to all the staff of each branch for being kind to me, who is unfamiliar with me (。☌ᴗ☌。)
I am always grateful for your help!

QXNUMX. Recent troubles

On a personal note, I got drunk and lost all my point cards!
Just a point card was enough! \(^o^)/
No more drinking too much! sorry i can't...

QXNUMX. What made you happy recently?

Recently, we have created a Q&A page about clothes for women's interviews, which has been frequently asked by women!
Check it out here!The production people did their best! ! !

 How should I dress for an interview? 

I hope everyone will read it!
Please check it out because it is described in detail!It's a promise with Tamura •̀.̫•́✧

QXNUMX. Staff to be entrusted next and the reason

I'll leave it to Yamaga in Tokyoヾ(。>﹏<。)ノ✧*.
We're almost the same age, so I like it without permission❢
Best regards, Button! (._.)♪

QXNUMX. Future ambitions within Universe Club

Get out of the messed up character!ヾ(。>﹏<。)ノ✧*.

Thank you for reading!
Thank you for your continued support of the baton blog (。・ˇ_ˇ・。)♪

Yui Tamura


Dating club "Universe Club" is recruiting male and female members all over the country.
An interview, an interview, and an examination are required for admission.

For details, please contact the local concierge


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2 Replies to “Call Center! Summer!”

  1. As expected of Universe.There is also a call center.I wonder if there are a lot of inquiries.It's a pity that people who have already joined don't have a chance to hear their voices.Is the chat that the female staff answers on the homepage also work for the call center?

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