
Minakami, going to ◯◯ ~ Local sake and beautiful women.Southern beauty hides her bare feet~

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Customer Success Group Tokyo Unit
This is Sumire Minakami.

The other day Sendai Branch Pilgrimage Blog Also, thank you for watching.



The fun on the water in Sendai was still the local sake.


While licking sake, picking up local things...
I am completely an old man, but I like this.

I bought only Hakurakusei by mail and went home.
It was too good for my tongue and I drank it down at a frightening pace.
Local sake is horrible.


However, I think that even if you are traveling alone,

The loneliness of eating delicious food but not having anyone to share it with

I think this is a feeling that business travelers often feel.

"I wish there was someone (preferably a beautiful woman) who would be with me at a time like this."
I don't think it's completely unnatural to think so.


Furthermore, this is it.
I got drunk and had a lot of physical contact...
We hit it off in an unexpected place, and the distance between us gets closer...

As soon as the two of us are alone, there are passionate things like this etc etc...
what a envy

When someone suddenly calls out to you while you're drinking
Suspicious person treatment tends to be a good place,
If you meet through the dating club, such points
I think the best advantage is that you can meet smoothly.




Today is also the second day at the Sendai branch.
A lot of women visited us♪


The inside is clean and clear.
She was a woman who gave me energy and motivation just by being with me♪
The attitude of being able to interact with people with gratitude every day... He is truly a "educated" person.


Smooth hair.
Bright eyes.
If you're in Tokyo, definitely scout.Enter the idle.
I couldn't help thinking about the high quality looks!


Even though the work is over, you rushed!
The friendliness and amiability that you wouldn't believe you met for the first time!
It makes me feel secure that I want to talk about various things during the date.


It's the strongest look that makes you fall in love when you see it for a moment.
If she had been registered in Tokyo, she would surely have become a very popular woman.
There is a gap between her gorgeous beauty, her charm, and her simple substance.
It's a wasteful level if you don't shout out.



At the online setting during the acclaimed campaign,
Why don't you make a relationship with the above woman?


When I was in Sendai, I suddenly thought,

low stocking rate .

Most people wear pants, black tights, long skirts and hardened guards.
Is it just this time of year?Leg fetish teary eyes.

sure last nightit was a blizzardIt's about...
(Tokyoites unfamiliar with snow were terrified.)
I don't think it's because it's cold.

Therefore, many people brought their own costumes for the shoot, and I was very grateful♪
Thank you for your consideration.


Which branch will you be at next time? ?
Stay tuned♪

Sumire Minakami

Author of this article

I believe that if you do good deeds, good relationships will come to you.I hope to keep smiling every day and provide good relationships to everyone. talk to this staff