
Eradication...! ?

Thank you for visiting my blog and visiting this page.
I am Mio Katayama from the Kyoto branch.

though being lateHappy New Year!
Thank you for your continued support this year.

I started blogging in 2020... The monthly theme system is gone, so I thought about what to write.

It's been just over a year since I joined Universe...
I really feel like I'm a year early.

Therefore, I would like to introduce the work content that I am doing other than my regular work!

Regular work includes female interviews, male interviews, email correspondence (office work), cleaning, etc.

I repeat this every day, but what do I do when my regular work settles down and I have a little free time?
(In a sense, this may also be a normal business in me.)

that is…





Member site patrol ~~~~~~! ?
(We are not cracking down on anything)

*Membership site patrols (I say this on my own terms) refer not only to women at our own branch, but to women from all over the country.

Like the male members, the staff can see women all over the country, so I watch them when I have free time.

However, in fact, I'm not looking at this from a man's point of view, and I'm sure no one is looking at it.
Registration of women is done by "people", so of course input errors occur.

I may have just found it by chance, but I misunderstood the age of the woman by more than 10 years...(I noticed this as soon as I saw the list)
I'll secretly tell the staff who was in charge m(_ _)m

anything[Confirmation]I realize once again that is really important.

Of course, there are days when I am too busy to do anything.
But from a member's point of view【busy】is no excuse.

If you're a woman and you've registered with something wrong with your information, you might be a little sad...
When I think about it, I think it's good to put myself in the other person's position and do everything.


Of course, sometimes I make mistakes too.
However, for that mistake, instead of saying, “I did it~
Be sure to remember why you made the mistake, whether you were preoccupied with something else, and think about measures to prevent the same mistake from happening again.
Only by doing so will mistakes be made.

In my previous job, I was dealing with personal information, so I feel like I can't get rid of it even after coming to Universe.


So I'm looking at the membership site like a little mother-in-law...I'm sorry if it's disgusting...

However, I have a lot to learn, so I think I will continue to do so in the future.


Actually, I still have some free time, but if it becomes a blog topic, I will write about it.

What do your staff really do?What kind of people are there?If you have any questions, please feel free to let me know.

By the way, the Kyoto branch is really comfortable and I work hard every day in a very good environment m(_ _)m

Thank you for your continued support!

Author of this article

Hello, my name is Mio Katayama from the Kyoto branch. talk to this staff

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