

A long time ago, I finally made a promise to go to dinner with a woman I liked.
When the day arrived with excitement, the two of us came with a punchy friend.
yeah?Is it a foil? ?

wanted to introduce me

I'm already out of touch with the woman I love, and the chagrin of the moment when I realized
The bitterness of the food that comes out...the tastelessness...

It is said that there is even a punchline where he exchanges contact information with a woman who looks like Mr. Mitsuura.
It's become a good story now
I'm Matsuzaka (-_-)

In April, the campaign was very popular, and we received many class upgrades and date settings. Thank you very much.
STAFF Uchida in Tokyo made the desk area pink in the office in Ebisu,
Wearing spring-like shirts and skirts, I worked hard to set up dates for emails every day.

In the future, we hope to continue to offer campaigns that will please our members.
All the staff, led by the director of the center, Kida, are thinking of you.

In that case, I would like to inform you by HP and email.
Please look forward to m (__) m


東京 1
東京 2

Dating Club "Universe Club" is looking for male and female members.
Membership registration is free, but interviews and screenings are required.
For details, please contact the local concierge

★ [Sapporo] 0120-957-072

★ [Sendai] 0120-954-648

★ [Tokyo] 0120-675-858

★ [Nagoya] 0120-935-719

★[Osaka] 0120-424-123

★ [Fukuoka] 0120-062-979

★[International] 0120-978-649

★[Official website]
★ List of female snaps at interview

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