
Doctor in his 40s: "Normally, after the first date is over and I'm alone, I think about whether or not we'll be dating again, but this time I made a quick decision and made another appointment."

I felt calm and at the same time, the conversation was lively.
Even though he was young, he seemed to be working hard.
Makes you want to cheer.

■Branch used: Tokyo
Date date: 2018/05/
■Women's club name: Mr. O
■ Total: 23
■★★★★☆ [Appearance]: Was there a gap (hair color or body type) with your profile picture?
■★★★★★ [Details]: Was there any difference in the content of your profile?
■★★★★★ [Personality]: How was your personality and character?
■★★★★★ [Courtesy]: Was there any rudeness, such as being late?
■★★★★☆ [Overall]: Overall, did you enjoy your date?

■ Posting permission: I agree
■If there is a problem, can I ask the other party to confirm the facts? : yes
■Club name: K
■ Occupation: Real estate
Age: 50s

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ anyway

An email has been sent from the survey form on the men's site.

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ anyway

■Branch used: Tokyo
Date date: 2018/05/
■ Female club name: Mr. S
■ Total: 25
■★★★★★ [Appearance]: Was there a gap (hair color or body type) with your profile picture?
■★★★★★ [Details]: Was there any difference in the content of your profile?
■★★★★★ [Personality]: How was your personality and character?
■★★★★★ [Courtesy]: Was there any rudeness, such as being late?
■★★★★★ [Overall]: Overall, did you enjoy your date?

■ Other comments:
The looks are beautiful and the style is outstanding,
I had a great time and had good communication skills.
In the introduction of the club, I got the impression that she was very divisive, but in reality, she was a woman who could deal with her lover from the first time.
I hope we can keep in touch for a long time.

■ Posting permission: I agree
■If there is a problem, can I ask the other party to confirm the facts? : yes
■Club name: A
■ Occupation: Doctor
Age: 40s

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ anyway

■Branch used: Tokyo
Date date: 2018/05/
■ Female club name: Mr. Y

■ Total: 23
■★★★★☆ [Appearance]: Was there a gap (hair color or body type) with your profile picture?
■★★★★☆ [Details]: Was there any difference in your profile?
■★★★★★ [Personality]: How was your personality and character?
■★★★★★ [Courtesy]: Was there any rudeness, such as being late?
■★★★★★ [Overall]: Overall, did you enjoy your date?

■ Other comments:
It was almost as you imagined.
I was able to have a good time during the meal in an intellectual atmosphere.
Normally, after the first date is over and I'm alone, I think about whether or not we'll meet again, but this time I made a quick decision and made another promise.She was the type of woman I wanted to have a long-term relationship with.

■ Posting permission: I agree
■If there is a problem, can I ask the other party to confirm the facts? : yes
Age: 40s

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ anyway

■Branch used: Tokyo
Date date: 2018-05-
■ Female club name: Mr. A

■ Total: 18
■★★★☆☆ [Appearance]: Was there a gap (hair color or body type) with your profile picture?
■★★★☆☆ [Details]: Was there any difference in your profile?
■★★★★☆ [Personality]: How was your personality and character?
■★★★★☆ [Courtesy]: Was there any rudeness, such as being late?
■★★★★☆ [Overall]: Overall, did you enjoy your date?

■ Other comments:
A simple child who came out of the countryside.he's a bit of an idiot

■ Posting permission: I agree
■If there is a problem, can I ask the other party to confirm the facts? : yes

■ Club name: T
Age: 40s


Note) This survey is based on personal experiences of customers, and does not guarantee services such as dating content.

Dating Club "Universe Club" is looking for male and female members nationwide.
An interview, an interview, and an examination are required for admission.
For details, please contact the local concierge

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