
[Customer's voice: Male] She was a wonderful woman,

[Branch used] Tokyo
[Date date] 2015/11/
[Female evaluation] ★★★★☆
[Club Evaluation] ★★★★★
[How was your date? 】 It was very good
[Do you want to use it again? ] I think
[Name of the staff who felt that the service was good] Mr. Takita, Ms. Mitsui
[Comments, Opinions, etc.] There is no problem, but we are not used to negotiating the amount with each other, so it was a bit of a problem.
[Publishing permission] I agree
[Occupation] Company employee
[Age] 50s

[Branch used] Tokyo
[Date date] 2015/11/
[Female evaluation] ★★★☆☆
[Club Evaluation] ★★★★☆
[How was your date? ] normal
[Do you want to use it again? ] I think
[Name of the staff who felt that the service was good] Mr. Takita
[Impressions, Opinions, etc.] She was a wonderful woman, but the amount I wanted was too high, so I withdrew.
[Publishing permission] I agree
[Occupation] Self-employed
[Age] 30s

Dating club "Universe Club" is recruiting male and female members all over the country.
Membership registration is free, but interviews and screenings are required.
For details, please contact the local concierge


★[Sapporo] 0120-957-072 ★[Sendai] 0120-954-648
★[Tokyo] 0120-675-858 ★[Yokohama] 0120-954-619
★[Nagoya] 0120-935-719 ★[Osaka] 0120-220-419
★[Fukuoka] 0120-062-979 ★[International] 0120-978-649
★EnglishBLOG ★ Female snapshot at interviewList
★ [Official] Universe Club ★【Twitter】 @GroupUniverse


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