
[Chiba, Male] 60s, hospital director "I don't want to have anything to do with foreigners ever again. She was a beautiful woman with the worst personality."

A high amount was requested.I had less than 10 on hand.
I was told to take it out from the ATM machine and give me the rest immediately.She was a foreign woman.
Although it is the actual transportation cost, I came by Shinkansen and green car.
Although I asked for a receipt in advance in order to reduce my transportation expenses, they sent me a picture of a one-way ticket with a line photo, and it was a one-point pass.
It seems that this is acceptable in foreign countries: lol.
By the way, transportation expenses were one hand.She was a tough girl anyway.
He said that he received XNUMX in foreign countries. When I asked if it was XNUMX won, he looked disgusted.I don't want to have anything to do with foreigners ever again.She was the worst plastic surgery beauty.

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An email has been sent from the survey form on the men's site.

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■Branch used: Chiba
Date date: 2018/08/
■Women's club name: Mr. A
■ Total: 9
■★★★☆☆ [Appearance] : Was there a gap (hair color or body type) with your profile picture?
■★★★☆☆ [Details] : Was there any difference in your profile?
■★☆☆☆☆ [Personality]: How was your personality and character?
■★☆☆☆☆ [Courtesy]: Were you rude, such as being late?
■★☆☆☆☆ [Overall]: Overall, did you enjoy your date?

■ Posting permission: I agree
■If there is a problem, can I ask the other party to confirm the facts? : yes
■ Club name: Mr. T
Occupation: Hospital Director
Age: 60s

*The woman in the photo does not match the woman in the questionnaire.

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■Branch used: Chiba
Date date: 2018/07/
■Women's club name: Mr. M
■ Total: 22
■★★★☆☆ [Appearance] : Was there a gap (hair color or body type) with your profile picture?
■★★★★☆ [Details] : Was there any difference in your profile?
■★★★★★ [Personality]: How was your personality and character?
■★★★★★ [Courtesy] : Were you not rude, such as being late?
■★★★★★ [Overall]: Overall, did you enjoy your date?

■ Other comments:
I was able to meet someone close to my ideal in the third offer.
Thank you for setting.

■ Club name: Mr. Y
■ Occupation: Company employee
Age: 40s

*The woman in the photo does not match the woman in the questionnaire.

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■Branch used: Chiba
Date date: 2018/07
■Women's club name: Mr. M
■ Total: 25
■★★★★★ [Appearance] : Was there a gap (hair color or body type) with your profile picture?
■★★★★★ [Details] : Was there any difference in your profile?
■★★★★★ [Personality]: How was your personality and character?
■★★★★★ [Courtesy] : Were you not rude, such as being late?
■★★★★★ [Overall]: Overall, did you enjoy your date?

■ Other comments:
It was very good because it seemed like a date.
The thought of wanting to get along a little more also expanded.

■Club name: Mr. K
■ Occupation: Monk
Age: 30s

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■Branch used: Chiba
Date date: 2018/07/
■Women's club name: Mr. M
■ Total: 23
■★★★★★ [Appearance] : Was there a gap (hair color or body type) with your profile picture?
■★★★☆☆ [Details] : Was there any difference in your profile?
■★★★★★ [Personality]: How was your personality and character?
■★★★★★ [Courtesy] : Were you not rude, such as being late?
■★★★★★ [Overall]: Overall, did you enjoy your date?

■ Other comments:
We had a great time chatting from the time we ate.
The offer was for the second time, so it was good that it didn't rub off.
I feel like the world has expanded because I was able to talk about various things.Also thank you.

■ Club name: Mr. Y
■ Occupation: Company employee
Age: 40s

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■Branch used: Chiba
Date date: 2018/06/
■Women's club name: Mr. M
■ Total: 23
■★★★★★ [Appearance] : Was there a gap (hair color or body type) with your profile picture?
■★★★☆☆ [Details] : Was there any difference in your profile?
■★★★★★ [Personality]: How was your personality and character?
■★★★★★ [Courtesy] : Were you not rude, such as being late?
■★★★★★ [Overall]: Overall, did you enjoy your date?

■ Other comments:
The actual impression was much better than what I saw in the photo.She was a very nice woman when she was eating (the atmosphere and gestures of the story, etc.).

■Club name: Mr. K
Occupation: Company officer
Age: 30s

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■ Use branch: Chiba
Date date: 2018/06/
■ Female club name: Mr. A
■ Total: 15
■★★★★☆ [Appearance]: Was there a gap (hair color or body type) with your profile picture?
■★★★☆☆ [Details]: Was there any difference in your profile?
■★★★☆☆ [Personality]: How was your personality and character?
■★★☆☆☆ [Courtesy]: Was there any rudeness, such as being late?
■★★★☆☆ [Overall]: Overall, did you enjoy your date?

■ Other comments:
I didn't recognize the man's cell phone number, and I was just waiting when the time came. (Maybe it can't be helped because it's the first time)
At the second shop (=cafe), it was uncomfortable to mess with my phone while talking.
I couldn't say thank you.

■ Club name: Mr. M
■ Occupation: Company employee
Age: 50s

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Note) This survey is based on personal experiences of customers, and does not guarantee services such as dating content.
*The woman in the photo does not match the woman in the questionnaire.

Dating Club "Universe Club" is looking for male and female members nationwide.
An interview, an interview, and an examination are required for admission.
For details, please contact the local concierge

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