
[Customer's voice: Female] Office worker "Unfortunately, I felt that the feeling did not match.": Dating club "Universe Club"

He was a very gentleman.
He was a charming person who made me want to be with him in a lonely place.


■Branch used: Kobe
Date date: 2018/1


■ Total: 25
■★★★★★ [Appearance]: Did you have a clean appearance?
■★★★★★ [Details]: Did you enjoy your date?
■★★★★★ [Personality]: How was your personality/character?
■★★★★★ [Courtesy]: Was there any rudeness, such as being late or speaking or acting?
■★★★★★ [Overall]: How was your date overall?


■ Posting permission: I agree


Age: 20s


━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ anyway


It was fun to talk with you because we have the same interests.
I was very happy to receive alcohol as a gift.
He likes me very much, and although he is aggressive, he doesn't feel bad about me.


■Branch used: Kobe
■ Date: 2018-01-


■ Total: 23
■★★★★☆ [Appearance]: Did you have a clean appearance?
■★★★★★ [Details]: Did you enjoy your date?
■★★★★★ [Personality]: How was your personality/character?
■★★★★☆ [Courtesy]: Was there any rudeness, such as being late or speaking or acting?
■★★★★★ [Overall]: How was your date overall?


■ Posting permission: I agree


■ Occupation: Midwife
Age: 20s


━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ anyway


He was a friendly person, and it was useful to hear a lot of stories about his work, but unfortunately I felt that the feeling did not match.
The drive date was a lot of fun.


■Branch used: Kobe
■ Date: 2018-02-


■ Total: 18
■★★★☆☆ [Appearance]: Did you have a clean appearance?
■★★★★☆ [Details]: Did you enjoy your date?
■★★★☆☆ [Personality]: How was your personality/character?
■★★★★☆ [Courtesy]: Was there any rudeness, such as being late or speaking or acting?
■★★★★☆ [Overall]: How was your date overall?


■ Posting permission: I agree


■ Occupation: Company employee
Age: 30s


━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ anyway
For those who do not drink alcohol,
very calm,
Also, since you're used to playing,
it was fun.


■Branch used: Kobe
■ Date: 2018-02-


■ Total: 25
■★★★★★ [Appearance]: Did you have a clean appearance?
■★★★★★ [Details]: Did you enjoy your date?
■★★★★★ [Personality]: How was your personality/character?
■★★★★★ [Courtesy]: Was there any rudeness, such as being late or speaking or acting?
■★★★★★ [Overall]: How was your date overall?


■ Posting permission: I agree


━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ anyway


To be honest, I was surprised because he came in a very casual outfit unlike the people I've met so far.
I was relieved because he was a calm person when he was just talking.


■Branch used: Kobe
■ Date: 2018-02-


■ Total: 18
■★★★☆☆ [Appearance]: Did you have a clean appearance?
■★★★☆☆ [Details]: Did you enjoy your date?
■★★★★☆ [Personality]: How was your personality/character?
■★★★★☆ [Courtesy]: Was there any rudeness, such as being late or speaking or acting?
■★★★★☆ [Overall]: How was your date overall?


■ Posting permission: I agree


■ Occupation: OL
Age: 20s


━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ anyway

Note) This survey is based on personal experiences of customers, and does not guarantee services such as dating content.

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