
Offer features

under constructionOffer functionI will inform you about

1 I would love to meet this lady. I can't narrow it down to one person, so let's give three candidates


2 The woman who makes the offer.yes that's fine Pochi

3 The date will be next weekend, maybe around Shibuya~ Pochipoch


4 Send → Deliver to the club

5 Thank you for your offer!We will adjust it soon!

The rest is the same as before.

picture?That's it?You may have thought that, but that's not all.
Along with it, functions such as point reduction and campaigns will be released at the same time (around spring)

We will inform you about the point campaign separately.
Thank you.

Universe Club

Author of this article

42 years old I'm good at tapping my shoulders. When I'm stressed out, I brush the sink.Seeing a dirty sink is stressful.this repeat

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