
The Diary of Riene – 15/8/2021

Happy Sunday everyone! How has your week been going?

We're about 5 days into the reopening of dining in, and I hope that it's been going well for everyone eligible currently! I haven't had the chance to go out due to work, and even yesterday morning when my family wanted to go out for breakfast, I was so tired and sleepy that I told them to just go without me 😅

Currently, I really want to go for a staycation~ Might be fun to explore some places on my own, and eat at some nice places! I'm so tempted to book one at the last minute for my day off on Tuesday and Wednesday LOL But I'm not going to spend too much on luxury hotels, I have a fondness for little boutique hotels in heritage spots instead that I really want to go to instead~

Have you all had the chance to go out much recently? I guess for those who are still waiting to be vaccinated, get their second dose, or are waiting for the second dose to take effect, it's still going to be a while yet. was actually checking with all our members recently so that we could update vaccination statuses in profiles, and about one third or so of our members are still waiting! There are also a couple who mentioned that they're still uncomfortable going out. understandable, of course… After all, though cases have been (thankfully) trending down lately, they are still around, and there are a good number of unlinked cases. Plus, I'm sure we all remember the days there were basically 0- 3 cases for like, a whole week 😥 If we could get back to such a low number of cases, I'm sure more people would feel much better about going out.

Have you been going out recently, or is there anywhere you'd like to go to? As always, we're happy to help arrange any dates you might want, so don't forget to hit us up!

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