
[Ask at the time of offer] I tried to create a male profile for women

We become indebted to.

There is an office relocation of the Yokohama branch,
My blog has stagnated.
(Let's leave the excuse here _| ̄|○)

The office is gradually finished with furniture,
I'm used to taking pictures.
for interview women"Your office is beautiful!New? 』
"It smells new."
I feel like I'm saying ′′ I'm really good at watching ′′ I'm sorry.

Recently, after sending an offer to a woman,
Here are some words from female members ↓

"excuse me! Do you have a profile of 〇〇? 』

What does it mean,
For men whose profiles are public,
In addition to the regular offer text, a detailed profile
I am sending it to you.

With the normal version,
Information that women can know
Men's club name, age, occupation, atmosphere, etc..

However, recently, male members
The number of people who make their profile public is increasing,
than women"Does this person have a profile? 』
There are more cases that are asked.

I definitely want as much information as possible before we meet.
Men and women are the same!

So Takei created a profile.

When it comes to actually writing a profile
It really bothers me ^^;

I saw the profile of a male member.
You have a very nice profile.
I took a look.
I would love to meet you!It was enough to make me think m(_ _)mw

If you forget the following items after creating your profile
Please be careful as it will not be published.

I would appreciate it if you could refer to it.

Thank you for reading to the end today.

East Customer Loyalty Group Yokohama Branch
Yu Takei

Author of this article

This is Takei from the Ginza branch. I am also an adventurer who is full of curiosity and tries out various things just to try it out. I like caves and secret bases. She has the heart of a boy, not a girl. Thank you very much. talk to this staff