
Best way to use the lounge

We become indebted to.This is Eri Mine, who has appeared for the first time in a month.

After three months of training, I finally officially became a lounge staff member!
And the other day, I managed to make an interview debut while shaking my fingers. .

There are still a lot of things I can't reach, but I would appreciate your strict guidance.


Well, this time it's rumored in the streetsLounge pre-admission campaignLet me tell you about!

First of all, if you are wondering what the universe lounge is,please use this form.To! !!



[Campaign Details]

Admission fee:XNUMX yenXNUMX yen Platinum, Black, SALON members

Membership period:12 months18 months


In addition, if you introduce a friend, both of you will receive a one-time lounge entrance fee.FreeTo!


All applicants during the period

・Entrance fee can be paid by cash or bank transfer.
・In the case of pre-enrollment, the membership period will be from the opening date.
・It is necessary to have an interview.



Conclusion: The best way to use the lounge is to become Platinum or higher and refer a friend!


If you do so, you can join and enter once for XNUMX yen!


If you are a member who is close to the renewal deadline, why don't you upgrade your class at this timing?


Applyplease use this form.From!

LINEWe also accept applications from

All the lounge staff are waiting for you.


Mine collar

Author of this article

I have never been able to guess my real age because I look so old! Every day I hope that age will catch up with me someday. . .