
Actively and voluntarily in 2022

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for your hard work.

My name is Fujikawa, Chief of the Recruitment and Internal PR team.


It's early and it's been 2 weeks since the new year.
Thank you for your continued support of the Universe Club this year.


It's mundane todayAbout New Year's resolutionsI would like to talk to you.

In terms of work, we carry out important missions such as training new graduates, hiring engineers/designers, and holding in-house events.
This year, including my private life,

"Actively, Voluntarily"

I would like to spend my time on the theme.

In my private life, I want to do my best to study various things.
(Sorry for the elementary school level goals)
I would like to specifically say"I read a book".This is the goal.

I'm ashamed to say that since I was a student, I've been really bad at writing,
(Personally) can be learned through senses such as auditory, visual, and imaginative
I loved mathematics, languages ​​(almost only conversation), chemistry and physics,
I absolutely hated reading and understanding a series of characters.

I have never finished reading a single novel...

This year, whether it's a business book or a self-development book, slowly or little by little
I want to be able to read books.


Unlike when I was a student, I make up my mind without being told by anyone.

There may also be an impact of restrained life.
Opportunities to listen directly to people have decreased, and I think the amount of passive information that comes in has also decreased.

Of course, there are other options, such as videos.
Now that I'm used to staying at home all day
I'm going to concentrate and read the book slowly.

And it would be great if I could continue my favorite languages ​​and programming as a break.


However, Fujikawa, who has not yet taken action,
blog relay is comingForciblyI am writing a blog in a hurry.

In that regard
Following this year's theme, my business goals for 2022 are:

“I will write a staff blog voluntarily before the next relay comes around”

I would like to decide to

Please watch over me warmly.

Author of this article