
Even if everyone says I'm a good person, I don't know if I'm a good person

Whether people or things, even if people all over the world say "I like it! It's the best!"
I don't know if I feel the same way.

Among the registered women, there are many who think that although they are not perfect yet, the materials they are born with are very good, and if their hair color or fashion changes, they will become very beautiful.

Have you seen photos of your favorite entertainers just debuting?
If you haven't seen it, search for it.

...isn't it someone else?

I think that if a woman has an opportunity, she will become beautiful like a different person.
...wouldn't you like to be that opportunity? ?

To be honest, I am flooded with offers only for beautiful women who have been completed, and such rough women have not seen the light of day.

There are also women who are desperate for photos.A woman who doesn't know how to present herself.

Among such people, if there was a woman who was compatible with me...

Also, I don't think you can tell a woman's beauty or cuteness just by looking at them.

By analogy, you want to get a dog.
When I was looking at the website of a nearby pet shop, I found two nice looking dogs!

Isn't one of them the cutest in the world?and the dog you fell in love with at first sight.
The other one looks ugly at first glance, but it's a dog that I'm somewhat curious about.
To be honest, 99% of the time, it's the one who falls in love at first sight, but since it's a big deal, you went to the pet shop to see both.


At first glance, the ugly dog ​​fell in love with you at first sight and seemed to like you, and immediately ran up to you and sniffed.
I won't do it to anyone else, just you.

Another dog you fell in love with at first sight didn't know what to like, and the moment you approached it, it snapped at you with a speed that you couldn't avoid, and ripped off your arm.
Then the store clerk apologized and told me that this dog's hobby is to munch on the hair of sleeping humans.

...which dog do you want?
Which dog is the cutest for you?

I think online dating is the most efficient way to understand that.
You can't know if a woman is nice to you or not until you actually talk to her.
Even if the staff doesn't recommend it, there is a possibility that it is a nice woman for you.

There are so many people who repeat online dating after using it once.
It may be that I just happened to not see it, but I think that there are zero people who can only do it once.

"I want to meet this girl... but it's so far away!
I don't know how it would be if I met him, and I'm scared to meet him after adding transportation expenses..."
"The set-up fee is expensive~ I wonder if it can be cheaper..."

Have you ever thought like that?

It's this time of year, but it's a lot of fun to talk on video!
Also, even if you are not good at computers, you can do it really easily.

It's only a few minutes, but I'm having a lot of fun talking to male and female members before online dating.

So please give it a try! !

Unrelated, but the image is the jelly I found in the sea before.

thank you for reading it until the end.

Waka Murase

Author of this article