
Only when you can say "NO" is value created in that person's "YES"

We become indebted to.

This is Masato Hondo from Universe Hiroshima..

I was able to finish the training period for 12 months on 26/3 (Thursday)! ! !
(*There is an Asami test.)

When I first joined the company, I was really worried that I could do it in three months,
I was able to complete the training period without any problems while being kindly taught by my direct supervisor, Asami..(*There is an Asami test.)

Everyone in the universe is really kind, and the main hall of the inexperienced person is helped every day.

Thank you very much (T_T)

especially these days~West Japan Year-End Party 2019 in Okinawa~I also participated in

~West Japan Year-End Party 2019 in Okinawa~

If you look at this, I think you can tell how unique and kind the Universe staff are.

I once again realized that the fact that I was able to lead a fulfilling life that seemed like the 3 months would go by in the blink of an eye was due to the constant support of our members.

There are only a few left this year, but I hope you have a good new year.

Universe Club Hiroshima Branch
Poemer Hondo Feminist Masato

Author of this article