
Please be careful if you are eating!Easy diet with intake of that! ? ~Still, I don't want to do it~

We become indebted to.
around the abdomen肉がI'm Shimoda, who spends his days turning a blind eye to the fact that the number is increasing.

It happened the other day when I was having a pleasant chat with the staff at the office.
I forgot how the story went
I got the terrifying information that "If you want to diet and improve your physical condition, you should take other people's stools!"

I think I looked like this at that time.

Is this that thing?
Centipede human Humanity's Total S***Ro Plan Has Begun...
(Because it's too dangerous, I'm sending you a lot of abbreviations).

I thought it was a lie, so I looked it up and found
I couldn't hide my surprise when I found a clinic and an article that actually performed intestinal flora transplantation.

whatever effect"Immunity up, beautiful skin effect, mental stability (antidepressant), prevention of lifestyle-related diseases, rejuvenation effect, easy diet", which is themed around
A true panaceaA lot of effects that I can't help but say...

The price is not covered by insurance, so it's very expensive.
I wonder if my salary will be tripled...

Since the procedure is directly transplanted into the intestine with a tube, etc., it does not feel like a smartphone play, so it is safe.
On the other hand, please note that you cannot get the above effect in such a play (Isn't it...)

By the way, the dog's coprophagia
It seems to be something like an instinct, and it doesn't seem to have such an effect.

For some reason I'm sorry! !

After worrying about when to start such a story

Christmas → what an article on the holy night!
New Year's → New Year's early article!
After New Year → The freshness of this feeling!

Therefore, it was posted at this timing, which is easy to get lost in other articles.
It doesn't matter when you post...

All pictures of animals and no pictures of girls?
Well, if you use a photo in an article with this kind of content, you'll be completely blown away...

I'm sorry for messing up your eyes m(_ _)m

Universe Club Osaka Branch
Ryo Shimoda

Author of this article

An omnivorous UMA that eats anything except poison and getemono.I used to live quietly in Nagoya, but now I live in Osaka. talk to this staff