
Shimoda is coming from Nagoya! (already coming)

Nice to meet you all in Osaka!
And to everyone in Nagoya who couldn't say goodbye, I'm sorry. .

I moved from Nagoya to Osaka this time,Now I'm coming to Hiroshima for helpI'm Shimoda!
Even though I said this time, I actually moved in late August... but it was too late to write this blog. .

Aside from that, the first thing I thought when I came to Osaka was
"Food Ume!"

Nagoya's meal was also delicious, but as expected from Osaka, the city of eating...!
I pride myself on being a big eater, but it seems like it will take me a while to master Osaka's delicious food.
And only the cost of food goes up...

As for okonomiyaki, I was born in Hiroshima, so I will refrain from commenting on which one is better.
Both are delicious, so that's fine.

I'm sure there are people who think, "Who's Shimoda?"
I would love to meet you!called peculiar If you have a broad mind like Buddha, I would appreciate it if you could talk to me!

Thank you for your continued support of Nagoya Branch, Osaka Branch, and Hiroshima Branch!

Ryo Shimoda

Author of this article

An omnivorous UMA that eats anything except poison and getemono.I used to live quietly in Nagoya, but now I live in Osaka. talk to this staff