
[Must read] Articles to read and realize that you are an uncle

Good morning everyone, hello, good evening.

It's been a long time since I've written a blog, Shun Teramoto.

As we approach the end of January, there are finally"Real winter"I'm starting to feel a bit cold.
My ears hurt when I walk, and when I put the cold air in my mouth, it feels like winter.
Above all, I love it.tobaccoIt's the season when food tastes delicious.

Is it a blessing or a sadness that it doesn't get cold until the end of January?
Global warming, which I didn't even care about until a few years ago, has gradually become a serious concern.

Even if I'm worried about global warming, I'm convinced that there's nothing I can do alone, so I haven't made any changes to my living environment.(← Hey! Lol)

So, this time"Uncle syntax”I would like to talk a little bit about this.

I used it in the text just now,”(← Hey! Lol)”, this is called uncle syntax (hereinafter referred to as uncle syntax),
This is a very famous example.One-person nori tsukkomi.

Sadly, times are always moving on.
Things that were commonplace 10 or 20 years ago are now made fun of, ridiculed, and even attracted to.

It is said that 20% of adult men smoked cigarettes, which I love so much, 9 years ago.
Now it seems to be less than 3%, about 25%.

Impressions from the public
“It’s cool!” “It’s cool!” “It’s so cool!!”
From this impression,
“It stinks” “Second hand smoke is bad” “Smokers are evil! Harmful!”
This is what it looks like now.

In the past, you could smoke in movie theaters and even on trains, but now there are no smoking areas.Izakaya,Pachinko parlorEvenThe end of not being able to smoke.
"It's not good!! Just a cigarette!! Please forgive me!!!"
With these thoughts in mind, I'm smoking a cigarette in a quiet designated space today, wondering how I'll live my life tomorrow.

(^o^)y- ~~~ Paa~

・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・

\\\No, no, that's right, that's not true ///


Excuse me! !

This timeuncle syntaxThat was the story.
uncle syntaxThat's true, in the past, that sentence was

“Interesting!”, “Bright and wonderful!”

He may have been popular with women.

But modern women are different, when the old man syntax is sent to them,
“Wow, it feels so good!”
“Old man has syntax lol Let’s expose it on SNS lol”

There are many cases where this happens, and in fact, there are many things that are exposed on sites like X (formerly Twitter).

So this time, even a littleUncle syntax (hereinafter referred to as uncle syntax)After this blog,
I am writing this in hopes that it can be cured.

It's important, so I'd like to share it with you.
Uncle's syntax is also all individual.
I'm not just trying to convey that "old man syntax is evil!".
If you heal, you might have a better chance of having a good relationship with a woman. That's my personal opinion, so don't take it lightly.

First,uncle syntax testI would like to receive it.
Please add the points that apply to you by looking back at your LINE and emails and adding the points that come to your mind.

(I.e.Uncle syntax test🍶

① Even though I'm not close to her, I end up using a negative expression.
→2 points

② I sometimes send emails and LINE messages with dirty jokes.
→5 points

③ I may suddenly start talking about myself that has nothing to do with women.
→3 points

④As soon as something happens, he tends to ask her sexually, asking, ``How about a hotel after dinner?''
→5 points

⑤ I quote () and make one-on-one comments.
→5 points
Example: The other day, when I went for a regular checkup, I was diagnosed with something.

⑥I sometimes end words in katakana on a regular basis.
“~~dayo” “Thinking about it” etc.
→3 points

⑦I sometimes end up using too many emojis in a row.
→3 points
Examples: Ohayo~😘😄❗, Did you cut your hair? ( ̄ー ̄?)❗❓, etc.

Yes, it's finished.

Now, let's take a look at the following based on the points you've earned.

❗❗❗0 points❗❗❗
"NO uncle syntax"

You are not uncle syntax!
Be yourself!

😄😄😄1 point to 4 points😄😄😄
“Mikuoji syntax”

Even though there are some suspicious parts, I'm sure many young children don't think anything of it!
Be careful not to increase your score any further.

🤔🤔🤔5 points to 8 points🤔🤔🤔
"STOP! Uncle syntax"

Uncle syntax, yellow traffic light!
Beyond that, there is a possibility of the path of Shura.
Please review your message to make sure it doesn't apply before sending!

😰😰😰8 points to 13 points😰😰😰
“Normal uncle syntax”

Unfortunately, it's an old man's syntax.
In general, there is a high possibility that it will not be viewed well, especially by young women.
Still, you can start curing your syntax today!
Check out this blog today and give it a try!

😱😱😱14 points or more😱😱😱
“THE・Uncle syntax”

The・Uncle syntax.
It may be exposed on SNS etc. and people may laugh at it and say, ``You've got that old man's syntax lol.'' .
First of all, he is quick to say dirty jokes, and secondly, he is quick to invite her to a hotel.
Finally, review the text and try to improve it little by little!

How was it?
Of course, this test and the results are all Teramoto's personal thoughts,
Not everything is correct.

But in the worldMore than half of womenFor those of
I think they have similar ideas.

I have created an NG example and a good example below, so
Please take a look once.

~NG example~
*This is the worst level. *

“Shun-chan, Ohayo💕
Old man, I contacted Shun-chan today because I wanted to meet him (-_-;)♡✨❗❗
In the evening, let's have dinner and then go to the HOTEL🏩❗❗ (← Just kidding😂😂💦)
But my feelings for Shun-chan♡♡ are serious😍💕💕💕
So, if Shun-chan is okay, I really want to go to HOTEL🏩💕 today...💕😍💦💦
Around 19pm in Ginza🏢, I'll treat you to a delicious oysters🦪 restaurant, so...
I’ll be waiting 🦪♡
Shun-chan’s shells🦪 taste like the sea, kana...my favorite...(←Stop making dirty jokes lol)

~Smart and good example~

"Good morning, Teramoto-san.
Would it be possible to meet you in Ginza today around 19pm?
We can set up a delicious oyster restaurant for you, so please come if it's convenient for you.
If it is difficult, please feel free to decline the request.
We look forward to hearing from you. ”

~Good example depending on your intimacy with the other person~

"Good morning, Shun-san!
I have some time after work today, so
Could we meet in Ginza around 19pm for dinner? ☺
Looks like we'll have a restaurant with delicious oysters🦪.
If it's convenient for you, please come!
You don't have to push yourself too hard, so I look forward to hearing from you! ”


Yeah, it's probably like this.
I exaggerated the NG example quite a bit, but
Surprisingly, when I look at social media, I find that things aren't exaggerated at all. . .

Points to note when creating NG and good examples myself

① Basically, if you use "desu, masu style", it will feel less like an oji sentence.

② Keep emojis to a minimum.
It depends on the length of each exchange, but basically one or two is enough.
In this day and age, it is basically not done to express something by connecting them continuously.

③ Being polite even among close friends, as it also affects relationships.
I can't say for sure, but I think honorific language is fine as a general rule.

④When it comes to calling someone, calling them “surname + name” sounds more mature than “name + name”.
It will reduce the uncle-like syntax, and it's fine if you're a really good friend, but if you're currently using it, try improving the lines you can use more.

⑤ Don't suddenly make dirty jokes.
This may be the worst thing to do, even if you use a gentlemanly tone, sudden dirty jokes are no good. absolute.

⑥Please stop looking from above suddenly.
"I'll take you there," "I'll feed you," "I'll do something for you."
Women are neither pets nor subordinates. Please speak as equals.

Yes, anyone can do it as long as you pay attention to the above.“The uncle syntax”I think I can graduate from there.

As I've said over and over again, it all depends on the situation.

There may be exceptions depending on your relationship with the other person or if the woman is also a woman who loves dirty jokes.

What I have written this time is only"general"It's the feeling part.

Maybe it's because of the sentence you sent.
You may be missing out on opportunities and encounters with good women.

By all means,“I dare to use uncle syntax!!”Please try to cure it unless you say so.

I think it's hard for me to realize it myself,
"Huh...? I guess I actually have the uncle syntax...?"
If you are concerned, please contact the staff in charge nationwide. Maybe they'll answer and tell you.

If he doesn't answer, you can ask him to name Teramoto, but he will be very harsh, so don't worry.

Well then, I will continue to do my best to provide a good dad life.

We appreciate your continued patronage of Universe Club.


Author of this article

This is Shun Teramoto.We are working hard every day to provide a setting that will satisfy everyone.Thank you. talk to this staff