
[Anonymous question box roundtable discussion live] Notice of archive distribution

*This is a finished distribution.


Thank you for always using Universe Club.

We would like to inform you that the distribution archive of the [anonymous question box discussion] that was held the other day has been uploaded to Youtube.

If you missed it, please take a look.

*Please note that there are parts where it is difficult to hear due to poor audio.



* Past distribution archivesplease use this form.


<Main topics and table of contents>

・Summary Speaker Introduction
・I want to support women's dreams...
・Isn't there a demand for a casual woman?
・About men who do not wear rubber
・ About the difference between Black and platinum membership ranks
・Can't the women's class be more flexible?
・SALON and universe can be used together, is there any meaning?
・Summary and Greetings

From an anonymous question box
・ Marika

from us
・Representative Kida
・President's Office Unit Manager Maezawa


* Live streaming is scheduled to be held regularly from 19:00 on the last Friday of the month.

next time7/25 (Friday) 19:00 ~ (45 minutes planned)

Please join us.