
[Yokohama: Female] Nutritionist: 20s "It was my first date, and I wanted to know more about the man. He took care of me and even prepared sweets for me."

Thank you for your consideration (^^)
It was in a rural area, but I happened to be there at a similar time, so we met again soon (^^)
It was very nice to be a good friend!

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An email was sent from the survey form on the women's site.

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■ Use branch: Yokohama
■ Male club name: Mr. W
■ Total: 25
■★★★★★ [Appearance]: Did you have a clean appearance?
■★★★★★ [Details]: Did you enjoy your date?
■★★★★★ [Personality]: How was your personality and character?
■★★★★★ [Courtesy]: Was there any rudeness, such as being late or speaking or acting?
■★★★★★ [Overall]: How was your date overall?

■ Posting permission: I agree
■If there is a problem, can I ask the other party to confirm the facts? : yes

■ Permission to publish "Customer's Voice": I agree
■If there is a problem, can I ask the other party to confirm the facts? : yes
■ Club name: Mr. S
■ Occupation: Beautician

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■ Use branch: Yokohama
Date date: 2018/05/
■ Male club name:
■ Total: 24
■★★★★☆ [Appearance]: Was there a gap (hair color or body type) with your profile picture?
■★★★★★ [Details]: Was there any difference in the content of your profile?
■★★★★★ [Personality]: How was your personality and character?
■★★★★★ [Courtesy]: Was there any rudeness, such as being late?
■★★★★★ [Overall]: Overall, did you enjoy your date?

■ Other comments:
Thank you for letting me pamper you in so many ways.Thank you for meeting me.thank you.

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■ Use branch: Yokohama
Date date: 2018/08/
■Men's club name: Mr. I
■ Total: 24
■★★★★★ [Appearance]: Did you have a clean appearance?
■★★★★★ [Details]: Did you enjoy your date?
■★★★★★ [Personality]: How was your personality and character?
■★★★★★ [Courtesy]: Was there any rudeness, such as being late or speaking or acting?
■★★★★☆ [Overall]: How was your date overall?

■ Other comments:
We had a bright and enjoyable meal.
I learned from someone who has a lot of life experience.

■ Club name: Mr. M
■ Occupation: Nutritionist
Age: 20s

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■ Use branch: Yokohama
Date date: 2018/07/
■Men's club name: Mr. I
■ Total: 25
■★★★★★ [Appearance]: Did you have a clean appearance?
■★★★★★ [Details]: Did you enjoy your date?
■★★★★★ [Personality]: How was your personality and character?
■★★★★★ [Courtesy]: Was there any rudeness, such as being late or speaking or acting?
■★★★★★ [Overall]: How was your date overall?

■ Other comments:
You always lead the conversation, so I was able to speak candidly without being nervous (*´ー`*)
It was a first date that made me want to know more about men.
It was a lot of fun.

They took care of me and even prepared sweets for me.

I'm looking forward to the next date!

■ Club name: Mr. M
■ Occupation: Nutritionist
Age: 20s

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■ Use branch: Yokohama
Date date: 2018/07/
■ Male club name: Mr. T
■ Total: 24
■★★★★★ [Appearance]: Did you have a clean appearance?
■★★★★★ [Details]: Did you enjoy your date?
■★★★★★ [Personality]: How was your personality and character?
■★★★★☆ [Courtesy]: Was there any rudeness, such as being late or speaking or acting?
■★★★★★ [Overall]: How was your date overall?

■ Other comments:
I was treated to an Italian course for the first time in my life.The shop has a nice atmosphere, and I felt the good sense of Mr. T's care!
Mr. T himself was very refreshing and friendly, so it was a very enjoyable time.
I would be happy if I could meet you again because I am a person who can care and escort.

■ Club name: Mr. K
■ Occupation: Sales
Age: 20s

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Note) This survey is based on personal experiences of customers, and does not guarantee services such as dating content.

Dating Club "Universe Club" is looking for male and female members nationwide.
An interview, an interview, and an examination are required for admission.
For details, please contact the local concierge