
Notice to male members about display area and setting fee

Dear Male Members

Thank you for using our club services.

We would like to inform you about two points: the women's display area and the Black class setting fee.

① Female display area

When male members search for women by area, if Tokyo and Yokohama are given as examples, women living in Kanagawa will be
Area: Tokyo / Living area: Kanagawa
Area: Yokohama
I had to search in two ways.
From November 2020, 11, we will unify to "Area: Yokohama" so that you can search for women living in Kanagawa in one search according to the place of residence of the woman.
Please refer to the table below for the division of areas for each branch.

In addition, the currentMembership site for PC
You cannot search multiple areas in .
Example) All women in the area Tokyo and Kanagawa are collectively searched → ×

Membership site for smartphones
If so, detailed multiple searches including residential areas are possible
Example) Batch search for women living in the 23 wards of Tokyo and Kawasaki City →○

In addition, we plan to change the layout of the women's list on the smartphone site and display women's images larger.
Please use the member site for smartphones.


② Notice of end of Black class setting fee local price

Held from April 2016, 4 to May 25, 2016Exclusive campaign for Black membersAfter that, the black class women's setting fee of local branches "Sapporo, Sendai, Niigata, Omiya, Chiba, Yokohama, Nagoya, Kyoto, Kobe, Hiroshima, Fukuoka, Okinawa" excluding Tokyo and Osaka will be provided at a local price of 8 yen. However, on October 2020, 10, we will terminate the local price rate service.

From November 2020, 11, the black class female setting fee will be 1 yen nationwide.
We will do our best to satisfy our members as much as the change will cause a burden on our members.
We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

◯ Before change
Black class setting fee
100,000 yen (Tokyo/Osaka)
80,000 yen (regional)

◯ After change
Black class setting fee
100,000 yen (all branches)
*Applies to date offers received after November 2020, 11

There is no change in the setting fee for Platinum class, Gold class and Standard class.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the branch in charge.
Thank you in the future.


Universe Club
Representative Satoshi Kida
All employees