Love Vaccine Episode XNUMX Good and Evil (XNUMX)

If I count, it's probably the XNUMXth or XNUMXth date since I graduated as a virgin.
My job happened to be free, so I spent the whole day playing with Nao.
Since I had some time left, I decided to drive Nao to a place near my home in another prefecture.
Even though it's called a car, it's a 1.2-ton truck called the Magic Mirror.
They take her around, enjoy risqué exposure shoots, and when she gets aroused, have sex in the back of a truck.
It's truly a mobile love hotel.
Putting that topic aside, during the drive, Nao and I talked about ``trauma reenactment''.
I think it all started because I asked Nao about her current status with a married man she was in a relationship with.
I'm still curious.
Nao-chan: ``I think I'm going to stop having sex with that man.He agrees with that, and he doesn't actively approach me as a romantic interest like he did in the beginning.'' It would be nice if we could go back to being friends like before, just exchanging phone calls and emails.''
Mac: ``He's married, so if he didn't have any intention of destroying his family, wouldn't it be like he came to his senses?Originally, Nao-chan started the fire by sending him risqué selfies, so it's understandable.'' Well, I don't think he's that bad of a person."
Nao-chan: "I'm getting closer and closer to my hometown. My heart is in a state of excitement."
Mac: “Do you feel like you woke up from a dream and came back to reality?”
Nao-chan: ``That's right. I'm always in a place far away from home with Mr. △, and I feel very strange about the fact that Mr. △ is coming so close to my house.It feels strange.''
Mr. Mac: “I wonder if the reason why my heart is so disturbed is because my hometown is also the site where I was sexually abused by a teacher when I was in junior high school?”
Nao-chan: ``Yes. There are some places where we always meet, and every time I pass by them, I feel a pain.This road I'm on right now, at this time of day, is exactly like that.''
Mac: "Sorry, I should have avoided it. Shouldn't I have told you to take me home?"
Nao-chan: "No, it's the opposite. I myself strongly desire this in my heart. I think I probably wanted Mr. △ to go along with me in the 'reenactment' and subconsciously encouraged her to send me." Masu.
Indeed, when Nao-chan asked, ``Shall I take you home?'' she replied, ``Really?!'', looking very happy.
Was that what it was?
Nao-chan: ``I had a married man go out with me for a 'reenactment' in the same way, or rather, I parked my car in the same place where I always met my middle school teacher, and we did the same kind of sexual thing there. ”
Mr. Mac: "Really? Then, should I go to that place too?"
Nao-chan: “Really?! (happy voice) Then please turn right at the next one.”
I headed to a park a little far from Nao's house.
It seems that the middle school teacher parked her car in the parking lot of that less popular park and had Nao perform various services.
It was dark when we arrived at the park.
Nao-chan: "It's late... I wish it had been brighter. This might be a bit painful. I'm sorry you took the trouble to come along to my 're-performance'."
Nao-chan looks very worried.
Nao-chan's desire to "re-enact" is probably due to her desire to overwrite and erase her memories with her teacher by having the same experience as the married man and me.
But in this darkness, my anxiety intensifies and new experiences take the edge off.
In that case, it would be wiser to withdraw.
It seems like such a strategic thing.
Mr. Mac: "Okay, finally, now that we know the location, we have more material to understand Nao-chan. Let's come back when it's brighter."
Nao-chan: "I'm sorry..."
As we drove away from the park's parking lot, Nao spoke again.
Nao-chan: ``Actually, right now I have a strong desire to go to a love hotel.It's so strong that I almost say, ``I have to go to a love hotel right now.''
Come to think of it, Nao-chan had said before, ``I want to go to a love hotel with △-san.''
My dates with Nao were mostly at diorama apartments, villas, and mixed bathing hot springs.
I haven't been to a love hotel yet.
I thought it was out of curiosity about love hotels, but I guess that's not the case.
Nao-chan: ``We didn't go to the same place we went to with the married teacher, but we went to a love hotel in this neighborhood.''
Mr. Mac: “Is that really the purpose of a ‘replay’?”
Nao-chan: ``Probably so.However, if I go to the love hotel with Mr. △ now that I went to with my junior high school teacher, I'm scared that I'll have a very strong flashback of what will happen to me.Still, There's something in my heart that is telling me to go to a love hotel, and is trying to force me to go."
Mac: "Interesting. Either I win or the ghost of that middle school teacher wins. If you'd like, let's go now."
Nao-chan: “Are you sure?…Then, please go straight down this road.”

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