[Universe Column Site] Notice of revision of terms

To all of our members in International Branch.
Thank you for using our club services.
Thank you again for visiting our club website.
This time, we would like to inform you that from November 2022, 5, we will partially revise the column writer agreement and implement it on the same date.
*The following applies to the Universe Club column site.
Please see below for the amended terms.
XNUMX.Revision contents:
Article XNUMX "Registration for use"
In paragraph XNUMX, I added "If you have been forced to withdraw from the Universe Club for any reason, or if the application is from a person who has been refused membership by the Company after applying for the Universe Club." .
XNUMX.Revision details:
Article 10 "Usage Restrictions and Cancellation of Registration"
I added "When a writer is a member of the Universe Club and is forced to withdraw for any reason, or when the writer applied for membership to the Universe Club but is refused membership by our company".
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Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Legal Kaoru Kitamura