In search of the ideal woman (Final story: Why I quit the club and what I think now)

Two times beforeFrom the parting with Mika that I wrote inI finally found the answer to the ideal woman I was looking for,

It is incompatible with the dating club and leaves.

This time, I will write about how I got there.Although I thought at the time, it was quite biased,The content is full of tsukkomi even for me (laughs)

If that's okay with you, I'd appreciate it if you could read it patiently.

Why I Left the Dating Club

heart connection

Episode 3Yuka who wrote inIt is the woman who became the trigger to start looking for the ideal woman.

It's not like I can't talk to her, and I share a bed with her.If I invite you, we can meet again, but we can't close the distance.

It seems that there is an "invisible wall" between the two,I couldn't understand that, so I left.

Episode 4Episode 5With Maria who wrote in, drowning in her body,I was in a monthly relationship when I was told that I liked it.

After that, I questioned her kindness and broke up with her again.

Feeling uncomfortable with the invisible wall that Yuka makes,What I saw after parting with Maria

"Heart Connection"

Without this, I cannot continue my relationship with a woman.

"Connection of the heart"Somewhere favorably,It's not a one-way street, but there's something between the two of you that communicates with each other,Such is the nuance.

That's why SEX wasn't the goal,Conversations and facial expressions exchanged between two people,Emotional catch-up was more important.

I met Yuka about four times,I couldn't feel the connection of the heart from the beginning to the superficial relationshipI felt an emotional connection with Maria before the end of the month.After the end of the month, I broke up with her because I couldn't believe her overturning her previous words.No matter how much I am drowning in SEX with her.

Limits connected by entertainment expenses

When I saw the “connection of hearts” after parting with Maria,I never thought of leaving the club.I noticed something after I broke up with Mika.

Rather thanSaying goodbye to the woman I met so far,I feel like I just realized the breakup with Mika.

“Entertainment expenses destroy relationships with women”
I'm looking for a heart connection, but it seems like the entertainment expenses are getting in the wayI can't think anymore,I hated connecting with women for entertainment expenses.

Episode 2I wrote it in

“If there is a good person, I would like to have a long relationship with him.”

This clipping is from Mr. Minami, who I met for the first time,It didn't change until the last woman.

I was hoping for a long relationship.Sometimes a little mistake can end a relationship with a woman.
The relationship that is connected by entertainment expenses is too fragile.

A woman I met at a club once told me:

“Because there is entertainment expenses, you can draw a line”

This is the identity of the "invisible wall",Conversation and SEX with a woman who draws a line and creates an invisible wall is excitingTime passes by without a hitch.

This is just help dating.

I know I have no reason to meet a man without entertainment expenses,It can't be helped that the entertainment expenses themselves are the cause of creating an invisible wall.

When I joined the club, I read somewhere on the bulletin board that

"Is it possible to meet a good woman once out of 10 people?"

If I remember correctly, Maria-san was the one I met after there were a little over 10 people.cute andThe compatibility of SEX is preeminent, and on top of that, he also conveys his favor.

"I thought, "I finally met a good woman."I've never met a woman like her."Because I thought that I wanted a monthly relationship,she accepted.

Joy is fleeting, she changes her attitude after months.I'm not sure why, butI think one of the reasons is that it became a stable relationship called monthly.Again, it is entertainment expenses that destroy relationships with women.

Mika who was really fun to be with.

There are rough places, but I am kind,I thought that he just likes to chat, but he can also talk about management,I liked the gap that can't be said to be Nan.

I felt a connection with her, but only when we met.

Due to Mika's circumstances,I try to meet her as much as possible, but it's difficult.
I can't help but feel the limits of entertainment expenses.

When connected by entertainment expenses,TemporarySeeking a long heart connection even if there is a purposeIt is unreasonable to

I've come to this idea, including the women I haven't written about before.

my ideal woman

Denying a relationship with dating expensesIt was enough reason to leave the club,I haven't written the ideal woman I was looking for yet.

Since it is a place called a dating club, there is a relationship between dating and after dinner.

On top of that, there is a “long-term emotional connection” and “we can’t connect with entertainment expenses”how to call a woman



I was surprised by this answer, but strangely it made sense.

Somewhere in my heart, I was searching for such a woman.

However, since the dating club is not a place to look for girlfriends,I'm leaving the club

thoughts after leaving

Although I am writing anonymously,It's pretty hard to write honestly.

"The answer of the ideal woman I was looking for was a girlfriend"

Well,I'm an idiot (bitter smile)

I deny even entertainment expenses, and I'm crazy.

I just want to tell you thisI give Chan the entertainment expenses (laughs)

It's been almost three months since I left Universe Club.

I will write what I think now.

The word "pseudo-romance" used in clubs.

How should we understand this?
Imasala what are you talking about!(laughs)

If you look up the "pseudo" of pseudo-romance on Weblio

"Similar enough to make it difficult to distinguish

love and pseudo-loveIt is said that they are so similar that it is difficult to distinguish them,It is also thought that you can distinguish between places just by looking very similar.

So what separates romance from pseudo-romance is Nan?

this answer.i don't have it

I didn't post itAmong the women I met, there was only one person who told me how she felt.


"I like you."

Is it going well?Offer to make a decision while thinking

The lobby of the hotel where I wait nervously

Would you like to meet again?The frustration of waiting for a reply after lining up

What kind of date shall we have next?My heart leaps when I think of

Photo taken of just the two of us

When I say "I love you", I can't help but feel the tension

The answer is her smile

The joy of that moment and the emotional connection you feel

Premonition of parting that appeared in Hui

A reckless offer with no chance of success

The size of her existence and the pain in my chest that I know alone


Dating clubs are fun because they play seriously, not half-heartedly.

Putting aside the answer of girlfriend, I played seriously,The reason why I couldn't get a heart connection from a woman for a long time,It's just my incompetence.

Mika who liked the gap that can not be said to be Nan.

she was busy workingShe was also a woman who was flooded with offers.TemporaryRemove from FavoriteswasShe said that the club stopped posting because there were too many applications.I hear from

You may have dated several men.I don't mean to say it's bad,She has a charm that makes her want to see me, even if it means raising her priority.I just wanted to.

I can say that to every woman I meet,It is proof above all that the dating period with the woman was 3 months at the longest..

A woman told me in bed

"do not look! 』

The atmosphere of this word is not "Don't look (heart)" but "Don't look!Pui' feeling.

My face is turned away and the engine stalls (laughs)

When I later asked her what she meant by these words,

"Even if you say that, I wanted you to get over it."

Looking back now, she taught me with her attitude without even asking.

In short, I'm a kid who doesn't understand a woman's heart.

From the title of this post, "Seeking the ideal woman"It smells like naan (bitter smile)


I'm an unattractive kid, putting my inadequacies on the shelf,When dating expenses destroy relationships with women, they blame other than themselves,The ideal woman's answer was just a girlfriend, so I just quitnot.

It's frustrating to write, so I'm going to practice my life for a while (laughs) 

I don't know whenWhen I thought that I became a good adult,Maybe I'll try the dating club again.

At that time, please do not refuse admission (laughs)


at the end

Thank you so much for reading this long post!

If there are people who have read all 8 episodes,I'm so happy! !

When I applied for the column, the request from Mr. Tajima, who was in charge, was,

"For men and women who have never experienced a dating club,I want you to know the reality of the naked club.”

in that case,Maybe my experience full of failures can be of some help?It was a post while thinking.

This will be my last post.

Not enough consideration in my post,I feel that there are more than a few people who have been offended.

I would like to take this opportunity to apologize.

Everyone who read the past diary that was just clumsy
Mr. Mack, Mr. Joe, Mr. A, and Mr. Taro for their comments
Mr. Tajima who was in charge
Mr. Kida, who gave me this opportunity even though he quit the club.
I would like to express my deepest appreciation for this opportunity.
It was a short time, butThank you very much for your continued support.

I hope that everyone will have a happy encounter.


Spring, summer, autumn, winter worship

*The name of the woman in the article is a pseudonym.The club name is of course different from the real name.Even if you search on the Universe Club member site, there are no women who match.It's not bad.

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