Mysterious Encounter Part 3

When you come up with sentences or words that you think are wonderful, write them downThere is.

One of them is, "Human beings are not acquired,You should be evaluated by what you give to the world” (Albert Einstein).It doesn't matter if you're dating,

Is it going to be evaluated by whether you contribute including money and are appreciated?

Well, I don't care about such a formal story...Rather, it may be unreasonable. (smile)

Everyday life including work is busy,I don't have many opportunities to meet women because I don't have much time to spare.

Originally, the libido was not so strong,Until a few years ago, we only had sex a few times a year.

I enjoyed my private life enough with reading, movies and sports. (No, I still enjoy it.)

But sometimes, if there is a meeting that will make your heart flutter, you can search for anything,Even if I applied from a strange site, it was just a painful experience.
(It's not that I haven't experienced success, butThe odds of winning were undoubtedly very low.)

Currently not in the app or other clubs,My stomach is full from the activities here.

"The fake wolf gets full quickly."

will it be? (smile)

There will be no physical relationship in the future,I vaguely think that they may shift to drinking friends and hobby

(But I don't hate delusions, wry smile)

However, I had a strange encounter with a woman other than the woman I wrote in the column earlier,It would be nice to have a column."

〇 Mon x Sun Somewhere

I will omit the details of the encounter,Mr. X is one of the women I met through special circumstances.

Coincidentally, Mr. X lives in the same area,If the hobbies such as food matched and the line connection was established, it was inevitable that they would go on a date.

It was a meeting at a station, but I had an urgent business,Even if it was a change, he happily accepted it, and we met for the first time in the room of the city hotel.

Since PF seems to be devoted to white wine,We asked Mr. X to prepare the fromage, and we were in charge of alcohol.

Champagne, prepare white and red wines in advance, white 07 years Mou ○ Sau Gennevilliers (Hospice de Beaune), red 15 years Gibray Champ ○ Rutin (Rossignol Trapez)Choose from the lineup.

Chill the champagne in a champagne cooler,I had expected that the red and white corks would be ready before arrival, but something happened here!

The cork of the white wine I was looking forward to has deteriorated,It's getting bad.

Although the screw enters the middle of the cork,It becomes a tunnel shape with only the central part missing

The surrounding cork remains.

Garn! !

Bouchonne (smell that spoils the original taste of wine due to cork deterioration)I have experienced this several times, but this is the first time I have experienced this situation.
(The cork is often torn off in old vintage items,slightly different this time)

Just put the screw part in and out a few times and it will be shattered on the wine liquid surface.The state of falling pieces of cork.

Tohoho... But I didn't give up and put in my ingenuity,The cork is carefully scraped from the top with a thin knife, and sometimes the screw is entangled to remove the leftover cork pieces.

Although the cork is finally removed,After all, there are many cork fragments on the liquid surface. 


This will spoil the taste of the wine.

But it's a shame,If something happens, you might at least know the taste of wine...half giving up mode...

When I was thinking about it, the intercom in the room rang and Mr. X appeared.

Dark faces are prohibited here.

I pulled myself together and the first meeting was important, so I raised the corners of my mouth and opened the door.

After all, you have a beautiful face and a slightly nervous face, but you responded with a smile,Invited into the room and toasted with already chilled champagne~♪

There are multiple fromages prepared by Mr. X,Each item is neatly subdivided, and even the name is carefully written.

Start a pleasant chat and explain the previous trouble.

If you can't expect white wine, bread and fromage will make your stomach swell.Not enough.

So I changed my plans and changed to dinner at a casual restaurant in the hotel.more.

Actually, this was the correct answer.

While enjoying the lightest menu at the store,How to save the tragic white wine (?) How to taste it (?)

"In such a big hotel, there must be a tea strainer somewhere.Can I borrow it?"

Suggestion with.

I see!Did you have that hand!

When I summoned up the courage and fearfully asked the store staff,contact us at the hotelAfter a while, you can lend me a fine tea strainer.

However, since it is used in restaurants,Please contact me and return it.

I finished my meal early and returned to my room with a tea strainer.

Can you really enjoy white wine? ?

Continuing the sequel...

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